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Google fi sucks


Well-Known Member


BTW this was in an outskirt area of town where I normally get crappy service.

This is Much better service than I ever had with Verizon or any other carrier. Got 32gb n5x for 249 with the sale they had and 30 bucks a month service!! I'm surprised why it's not more popular....

Also, this n5x is the best phone I have ever had!!! Everything about it is perfect, from how soft the touch screen is, to how fast it performs and ....brb need to change underwear again.
I am glad your thread title was an jest. I came in here all ready to defend Google's little side project cause so far I love fi.
Glad to see it's kicking butt for you too!
It's too expensive unless you only use a couple of GB a month. Nice speeds, but you can't give Google credit for that since they're using Sprint and T-Mobile networks.
T-Mobile/Sprint don't have any coverage here in my grasslands.

I looked at going to them about six months ago when all the big rage was on and every carrier trying to steal customers...

for me, I would have huge holes in the coverage map... so I am stuck with Verizon.
It certainly won't work for everyone, but nothing does. Since I live in the KC area I have quality coverage for the lion's share of my time. I also have free WiFi at work and of course at home. It meets my needs for 90% of my life. Now, if I go camping or hiking or off the grid, really all services I've tried, ATT, VZW and Tmobile all lose service in these sorts of areas. So no change there. Additionally it's easily the best option for international travel for a lot of reasons. A. it does offer coverage in 120 countries with no change to the cost. And B. since my phone is unlocked and fi is a pay as you go service, if I wanted to grab an international sim and throw it in my phone while abroad I can do that too and it really does not change the overall value as I won't be paying for data through fi while on the other sim. So for my lifestyle it seems a good fit. I can EASILY see how it wouldn't work for someone that does not live and or work in a good coverage area, then it becomes a useless service.
Overall I have been very happy with project Fi, I live in Las Vegas and previously was with T-Mobile the area I live in has alot of dead zones for T-Mobile. My co workers, friends and family have service through T-Mobile, at&t, Verizon and Sprint and all of them have encounter dead zones in Las Vegas, no service is perfect, but project Fi is very close
Overall I have been very happy with project Fi, I live in Las Vegas and previously was with T-Mobile the area I live in has alot of dead zones for T-Mobile. My co workers, friends and family have service through T-Mobile, at&t, Verizon and Sprint and all of them have encounter dead zones in Las Vegas, no service is perfect, but project Fi is very close

Yeah I like fi more than straight talk which is what I used to use because straight talk you pick an att or T-Mobile Sim, but with fi you get the combined coverage of T-Mobile and Sprint!!

Also I'm not a heavy data user so fi works out good for me. Aiming to stay under 1gb for maximum savings, but even if I hit 2gb It will still be a few bucks cheaper than straight talk...and looking at my usage history I have never gone over 1.5 GB on my Nexus 4 in the last several months.

Otherwise if I end up going data crazy and fi gers too expensive, what do you guys think is the best prepaid month to month GSM service? Straight talk? Or maybe metropc?
Yeah I like fi more than straight talk which is what I used to use because straight talk you pick an att or T-Mobile Sim, but with fi you get the combined coverage of T-Mobile and Sprint!!

Also I'm not a heavy data user so fi works out good for me. Aiming to stay under 1gb for maximum savings, but even if I hit 2gb It will still be a few bucks cheaper than straight talk...and looking at my usage history I have never gone over 1.5 GB on my Nexus 4 in the last several months.

Otherwise if I end up going data crazy and fi gers too expensive, what do you guys think is the best prepaid month to month GSM service? Straight talk? Or maybe metropc?

MetroPCS has the benefit of T-Mobile's service. Their prices are great and phone selection has been very good plus they have BYOD. I may try Fi one day but I am surprised at how good my Metro service has been in the past 8 months. $40/mo ($35 /mo) since I haave 2 lines) for UNL Talkl/UNL Text/3 GB 4G data.

I'm still intriged by FI. If they had the 6P at the 5X price, I'd be all over that. :p:D
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