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Google Play Services/Google Apps Crash Fix


Oct 27, 2015
You can now register to be a part of Kyocera's test group for the official patch.

  1. Register on Twitter
  2. Tweet to @KyoceraMobile
    • "@KyoceraMobile I would like to be a part of the Kyocera Hydro Vibe/Icon fix test group" should work
  3. Kyocera should respond and follow your account which will allow you to DM (direct message) them
  4. Send a DM to @KyoceraMobile with the information they request (this should be your carrier and your IMEI/ESN)
  5. Wait until the update is pushed to your device
    • If your phone is rooted make sure to unroot before applying the update or you will brick your phone
If you do not want to contact Kyocera on Twitter you can wait for the patch to pass the testing phase. Because the fix does exist it will be pushed to all users eventually.


(This post is a slightly edited mirror of the original post with the fix on these forums. It seems more helpful to have the solution be at the top instead of buried in the middle of a topic.)

WARNING this fix does require rooting your phone, but step by step instructions are provided as well as a tutorial video

Google released an update to Google Play Services in September that prevented many users from using several popular Google Apps (Hangouts, YouTube, GMail, Google Play Music, Android Pay, etc.). Neither Kyocera or Google did much except offer the "temporary fix" of downgrading Google Play Services until the problem was resolved. Because users had been waiting with no response from Kyocera except "we are working on a fix", Ryan Radford (radfordra) worked at the problem and discovered a permanent solution. Because the fix was originally shared on the FreedomPop Hydro Icon forum, I reposted it here and reformatted it slightly.
It then became obvious that the post was getting buried in the original thread (post 308) so I decided to repost the soultion as it's own thread to keep it at the top.

Fix Creator
Ryan Radford (AndroidForums: radfordra)
TexCoder (FreedomPop, Kingroot method and SuperSu replacement)
FoneFuzz (Found SuperSu-Me)
Chester H (step by step video)
Bigzdog (noted new Kingroot kills removal)
TheLat7 (noted Vibes DO have libpredtm.so but it is invisible unrooted)
Me (post maintenance)
Chainfire (SuperSu)
MrW0lf (Kingroot/Kinguser removal script)
Kingroot (for the easy one click root)
ES Global (ES File Manager)
Jack Palevich (Terminal Emulator)
Adam Loannides (SH Script Runner)

(new video of the updated process by Chester H)
  1. Obtain root with KingRoot v4.52 or older (adapted from original root method on FP forums by TeXcoder)
  2. Replace Kinguser with SuperSU
    1. Preferred: (no conflicts with Kingroot)
      • download MrW0lf's shell script
      • unzip script and put the mrw directory on your SD Card
      • download SH Script Runner and open it
      • press the far right button in the top menu, select Load and open root.sh from the mrw directory on your SD Card
      • press the middle button in the top menu to enable superuser mode
      • press the left button in the top menu to run the script
      • in the popup, (Allow) superuser permissions for SH Script Runner
      • wait patiently for SuperSu to open, let it update the Su binary (OK) and use (Normal) mode
      • if SuperSu asks to remove conflicting apps, hit (OK)
      • allow SuperSu to reboot your phone and Kinguser will be uninstalled and replaced
    2. Alternative: using MrW0lf's shell script and a terminal emulator and following this guide
      you may need to manually set Root Authorization for Terminal Emulator to Allow in KingUser/KingRoot
      (video of the alternative process by Chester H)
    3. If Nothing Else Works: SuperSu-Me (thanks to FoneFuzz for finding this)
      success rates are low and several users are stuck at black screens in the app, forcing them to use options 1 or 2
  3. Download ES File Explorer File Manager
  4. Enable the Root Explorer option in ES File Manager
    • in the top left corner of the app, click the button with three lines and scroll down
    • you may need to manually set Root Authorization for ES File Manager to Allow in KingUser/KingRoot
  5. With ES File Manager, open /sysprop/kcjprop
    • Vibe users cannot see /sysprop/kcjprop before rooting
  6. Copy libpredtm.so to /system/lib
  7. Reboot for good measure (not strictly necessary unless using the Vibe)
    • Ryan (radfordra) has noted that you should not reboot if you did not replace Kingroot and are planning to remove it after applying the fix! Proceed down to Note About Kingroot or Removing Root for instructions.
  8. Enjoy using your previously broken Google Apps
Fixing Android Pay (it will not let you set up if you have root)
  1. Open Chainfire's SuperSU
  2. Go to settings, uncheck Enable Superuser
  3. Open Android Pay and complete setup
  4. Open Chainfire's SuperSU again, recheck Enable Superuser

Note About Kingroot
Replacing KingRoot is optional but recommended. If you plan on unrooting after transferring the library it is easier to just use Kingroot to get root, open the Kinguser app and enter the Root Authorization menu. Allow root permissions for ES File Explorer, then you are able to copy libpredtm.so into /system/lib. After that reopen Kinguser and click the Settings Gear in the upper right, click Root Authorization setting and click Remove root Permission and follow the prompts.

Ryan (radfordra) has noted that if you do plan on unrooting, you should remove Kingroot before rebooting your phone or you risk issues with booting up later.
Removing Root (if you do not want it after the fix)
  • Kingroot: Open the app, press the Gear button in the upper right, press "Root Authorization Setting" and then press "Remove Root Permission". In the popups, press "Continue" then "OK". (Video)
  • SuperSu: Open the app, go to Settings, scroll down to the Cleanup section, and press "Full unroot". Press "Continue" in the popup and restart when the app closes.


  • libpredtm.zip
    4.1 KB · Views: 377
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I followed these directions, copied Libpredtm.so with no problem. When I proceeded to reboot the Hydro Icon got stuck in a boot loop on the Android logo. Phone is bricked.
I am not entirely sure what happened during the procedure but I would suggest booting into recovery mode and clearing your cache before calling the phone bricked.
  • Power off the phone
  • Hold down Volume Down and the Power Button until you enter the recovery menu
  • Use Volume Up/Down to navigate to "wipe cache partition" and press the Power Button to select it
  • Once the cache is wiped, navigate to "reboot system now" and hopefully it will boot up
  • If that does not work, return to the recovery menu and select "wipe data/factory reset" (this will erase all your data, but if it brings out of a boot loop it is probably worth it)
I am sorry that you had issues with the fix. This is the first negative feedback that has been posted about it so it comes as a shock.
Upvote 0
OK so apparently boot loops are quite common with kingroot. Wiping the cache is the recommended solution to the problem. And with that info I am now more on the side of replacing kingroot with supersu, or unrooting all together if you don't need root after you fix your problem with Google Play services.
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Just used this on a Vibe and had a few issues but worked through it.

IMPORTANT: you must use OLDER version of kingroot or this guide will fail!!!!!! I used version 4.52 with success. When I downloaded kingroot, the current version was 4.62 and all above methods failed to replace kingroot with supersu.

You can get older versions of kingroot on xda http://forum.xda-developers.com/devdb/project/?id=9793#downloads

Hope this saves someone time
Upvote 0
Just used this on a Vibe and had a few issues but worked through it.

IMPORTANT: you must use OLDER version of kingroot or this guide will fail!!!!!! I used version 4.52 with success. When I downloaded kingroot, the current version was 4.62 and all above methods failed to replace kingroot with supersu.

You can get older versions of kingroot on xda http://forum.xda-developers.com/devdb/project/?id=9793#downloads

Hope this saves someone time
Thank you for pointing this out. I have updated the original post with a direct link to Kingroot 4.50 which was the original version used to gain root.
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You can now register to be a part of Kyocera's test group for the official patch.

  1. Register on Twitter
  2. Tweet to @KyoceraMobile
    • "@KyoceraMobile I would like to be a part of the Kyocera Hydro Vibe/Icon fix test group" should work
  3. Kyocera should respond and follow your account which will allow you to DM (direct message) them
  4. Send a DM to @KyoceraMobile with the information they request (this should be your carrier and your IMEI/ESN)
  5. Wait until the update is pushed to your device
    • If your phone is rooted make sure to unroot before applying the update or you will brick your phone
If you do not want to contact Kyocera on Twitter you can wait for the patch to pass the testing phase. Because the fix does exist it will be pushed to all users eventually.


(This post is a slightly edited mirror of the original post with the fix on these forums. It seems more helpful to have the solution be at the top instead of buried in the middle of a topic.)

WARNING this fix does require rooting your phone, but step by step instructions are provided as well as a tutorial video

Google released an update to Google Play Services in September that prevented many users from using several popular Google Apps (Hangouts, YouTube, GMail, Google Play Music, Android Pay, etc.). Neither Kyocera or Google did much except offer the "temporary fix" of downgrading Google Play Services until the problem was resolved. Because users had been waiting with no response from Kyocera except "we are working on a fix", Ryan Radford (radfordra) worked at the problem and discovered a permanent solution. Because the fix was originally shared on the FreedomPop Hydro Icon forum, I reposted it here and reformatted it slightly.
It then became obvious that the post was getting buried in the original thread (post 308) so I decided to repost the soultion as it's own thread to keep it at the top.

Fix Creator
Ryan Radford (AndroidForums: radfordra)
TexCoder (FreedomPop, Kingroot method and SuperSu replacement)
FoneFuzz (Found SuperSu-Me)
Chester H (step by step video)
Bigzdog (noted new Kingroot kills removal)
Me (post maintenance)
Chainfire (SuperSu)
MrW0lf (Kingroot/Kinguser removal script)
Kingroot (for the easy one click root)
ES Global (ES File Manager)
Jack Palevich (Terminal Emulator)
Adam Loannides (SH Script Runner)

(new video of the updated process by Chester H)
  1. Obtain root with KingRoot v4.52 or older (adapted from original root method on FP forums by TeXcoder)
  2. Replace Kinguser with SuperSU
    1. Preferred: (no conflicts with Kingroot)
      • download MrW0lf's shell script
      • unzip script and put the mrw directory on your SD Card
      • download SH Script Runner and open it
      • press the far right button in the top menu, select Load and open root.sh from the mrw directory on your SD Card
      • press the middle button in the top menu to enable superuser mode
      • press the left button in the top menu to run the script
      • in the popup, (Allow) superuser permissions for SH Script Runner
      • wait patiently for SuperSu to open, let it update the Su binary (OK) and use (Normal) mode
      • if SuperSu asks to remove conflicting apps, hit (OK)
      • allow SuperSu to reboot your phone and Kinguser will be uninstalled and replaced
    2. Alternative: using MrW0lf's shell script and a terminal emulator and following this guide
      you may need to manually set Root Authorization for Terminal Emulator to Allow in KingUser/KingRoot
      (video of the alternative process by Chester H)
    3. If Nothing Else Works: SuperSu-Me (thanks to FoneFuzz for finding this)
      success rates are low and several users are stuck at black screens in the app, forcing them to use options 1 or 2
  3. Download ES File Explorer File Manager
  4. Enable the Root Explorer option in ES File Manager
    • in the top left corner of the app, click the button with three lines and scroll down
    • you may need to manually set Root Authorization for ES File Manager to Allow in KingUser/KingRoot
  5. With ES File Manager, open /sysprop/kcjprop
    • Vibe users do not have this directory, see step 6
  6. Copy libpredtm.so to /system/lib
    • Vibe users must download libpredtm.so
    • Icon users can copy the file from /sysprop/kcjprop or download libpredtm.so for convenience
    • Libpredtm.so is also attached to the post, but requires registration to download
  7. Reboot for good measure (not strictly necessary unless using the Vibe)
  8. Enjoy using your previously broken Google Apps
Fixing Android Pay (it will not let you set up if you have root)
  1. Open Chainfire's SuperSU
  2. Go to settings, uncheck Enable Superuser
  3. Open Android Pay and complete setup
  4. Open Chainfire's SuperSU again, recheck Enable Superuser

Note About Kingroot
Replacing KingRoot is optional but recommended. If you plan on unrooting after transferring the library it is easier to just use Kingroot to get root, open the Kinguser app and enter the Root Authorization menu. Allow root permissions for ES File Explorer, then you are able to copy libpredtm.so into /system/lib. After that reopen Kinguser and click the Settings Gear in the upper right, click Root Authorization setting and click Remove root Permission and follow the prompts.
Removing Root (if you do not want it after the fix)
  • Kingroot: Open the app, press the Gear button in the upper right, press "Root Authorization Setting" and then press "Remove Root Permission". In the popups, press "Continue" then "OK". (Video)
  • SuperSu: Open the app, go to Settings, scroll down to the Cleanup section, and press "Full unroot". Press "Continue" in the popup and restart when the app closes.
Thanks so much! My Icon has had the play services issue since I got it last month. Other than this issue, the phone's been great.

Thanks again! You've redeemed my Icon! [emoji1]
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I am not entirely sure what happened during the procedure but I would suggest booting into recovery mode and clearing your cache before calling the phone bricked.
  • Power off the phone
  • Hold down Volume Down and the Power Button until you enter the recovery menu
  • Use Volume Up/Down to navigate to "wipe cache partition" and press the Power Button to select it
  • Once the cache is wiped, navigate to "reboot system now" and hopefully it will boot up
  • If that does not work, return to the recovery menu and select "wipe data/factory reset" (this will erase all your data, but if it brings out of a boot loop it is probably worth it)
I am sorry that you had issues with the fix. This is the first negative feedback that has been posted about it so it comes as a shock.
Thank you that your guide has fixed 2 of my 3 Hydro Icons,
but on 1, I have the same issue as telefunken. I have tried "wipe cache," but it's still boot looping. I have some really important photos on this phone. Is there anything I can do to get pictures out of this phone?

Just to give you more information.
After successful file copy,
ES File Manager Crashed
Keyboard Crashed
SuperSU Crashed.
So I turned off the phone and am trying to boot and now I get Android logo loop, vibrate every 3 seconds.
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Thank you that your guide has fixed 2 of my 3 Hydro Icons,
but on 1, I have the same issue as telefunken. I have tried "wipe cache," but it's still boot looping. I have some really important photos on this phone. Is there anything I can do to get pictures out of this phone?

Just to give you more information.
After successful file copy,
ES File Manager Crashed
Keyboard Crashed
SuperSU Crashed.
So I turned off the phone and am trying to boot and now I get Android logo loop, vibrate every 3 seconds.
I have not come across any information that indicates anything but a factory reset will help if wiping your cache does not fix these sort of bootloops. Unless someone can jump in with new info I think your pictures are as good as gone whether or not you decide to attempt a factory reset - I am sorry you ended up in this situation.
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I've rooted using KR, downloaded the .zip file, but WinZip and EasyUnzip say it's a corrupt zip.
What do ughhhh
If you mean you downloaded the libpredtm.so zip file, you can opt to download an unzipped version here: http://www.mediafire.com/download/uobdyzjspff6ck3/libpredtm.so. And if you downloaded that version and are attempting to unzip it, it is showing up as corrupt because it is not a zip file.

If you are talking about Mt.W0lf's shell script I am not sure what to tell you because I just redownloaded it and verified that it is not corrupt. I did the same with the libpredtm.so zip that is attached to the post and it is working as expected.
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Thanks for sharing this how-to. I was able to fix two Kyocera Hydro Vibe (Virgin Mobile) phones. FWIW, one has never been activated, and the other one is activated and with service.

I prefer to use command line over GUIs so this was my experience:

First, I downloaded the King Root apk to my PC and then installed it with adb

adb install KingrootV4.50.apk

I opened the app, ran it, and let its magic to work. After a reboot I went back to adb (adb shell)

cp /sysprop/kcjprop/libpredtm.so /system/lib
cd /system/lib
chmod 644 libpredtm.so

as you can see, Kyocera Hydro Vibe does have libpredtm.so, but it is in the wrong directory, and you have to be root to see it. The above commands copy it to the right location, and sets the right perms (read for all).

Note: The chmod command is important, because it didn't have the read bit for group, and others. Otherwise, the Google apps wouldn't be able to see libpredtm.so
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Not incompetence just a lack of information. The guide was written for Hydro Icons originally and Vibes were added by Ryan through forum responses. No one involved in creating the fix had a Vibe so we did not know the directory existed since no one told us.

as you can see, Kyocera Hydro Vibe does have libpredtm.so, but it is in the wrong directory, and you have to be root to see it. The above commands copy it to the right location, and sets the right perms (read for all).

Note: The chmod command is important, because it didn't have the read bit for group, and others. Otherwise, the Google apps wouldn't be able to see libpredtm.so
Actually that is the same wrong directory as the Hydro Icon. It is interesting that it is not visible on Vibes without rooting though. But thank your for the information, I will update the guide! And I am glad your phones are working again.
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