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Help Google voice (voicemail) doesnt pick up...but says i have a message


Google voice has been sort of flaky for me since I started using it.

I use my old number, and I only use google voice for voicemail, I have it set up on my phone and in google voice.

Sometimes if I decline a call they will get a verizon error message. And today out of boredom I called my cell phone from my work phone and it just rang...and rang...and rang....and rang...and voicemail never picked up. But then I got a notification from google voice that I had an 18 second long message which was completely silent. I did it again, same result.

I logged into google.com/voice and confirmed that my greeting is set up.

It's sad, because I love google voice. But if voicemail doesn't work then it has no value...I can't have people calling me hearing error messages or never getting to leave a message.
yeah im starting to hate it a lil. it only gives me my VM's when I have 3G or wifi turned on and sometimes the VM's dont show up for hours. WTF!
thats strange, i have the same thing set up and never had a problem. i decidedly recently to get a google number for shits & giggles and that didnt change anything.

i wish i had my phone (sent away for repairs) to go in and look at settings and in voice to confirm that you have all the same stuff as me
Called it just now and it works...I really wish it was either broken or working. Who knows how many people called but never heard anything.
Check out the other post about google voice. I just left something in there too. Try disconnecting everything from your phone and online relating to Voice (including uninstalling the app). Then leave a VM and check it through verizon to confirm it is just voice. Reconnect Voice and do the same thing. That way have a little peace of mind that its been 'reset' and not just a it happens every once and awhile thing
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