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Got new VZW compatible phone but not a VZW store 1. Need advice on setting up some Verizon Visual Vo

I got a new Sony Xperia 1 III phone to replace toast Samsung Note 8, didn't like any of phones VZW offers for sale... VZW (nor other carriers really) carry the Sony so ordered 1 elsewhere. I get phone calls & text messages, downloaded VZW Message+ App and some other VZW apps.

I found access to my visual voicemail in small icon only visible when "phone call" app is open, but can't add to homescreen or anywhere else.

I'm hoping somebody knows how I can get the VZW Visual Voicemail App/Icon in my Apps and onto homescreen as well as get notifications when I get new voicemails, etc..... Is it something VZW has to or can do? Can it get transferred from my previous VZW supplied Note 8 (systems all work, just screen & such is toast)... Or do I have to find an alternative to VZW Visual Voicemail App, if so, any suggestions on very similar visual voicemail app that's very secure, doesn't collect & share data, etc?

is this a carrier unlocked phone? or is this phone specific to verizon? have you tried calling verizon? youmail is what i use to help block spam calls. it has its own visual voice message that is pretty top notch.


edit: do not know about their privacy policy though......it should say somewhere either in the app store or on their website.

I'm not all that digital tech savvy, but phone is not from VZW... I can use it with a good portion of different carriers, "unlocked" I believe is what I've seen it categorized as
I'm not all that digital tech savvy, but phone is not from VZW... I can use it with a good portion of different carriers, "unlocked" I believe is what I've seen it categorized as
so there are carrier unlocked version of phones where you can pick and choose what carrier to be on provided the phone has the correct technology ie cdma vs gsm. some have both and it really does not matter which one you choose.

i would call verizon and see what they say, if you absolutely must have verizon's vvm. otherwise you might want to check out youmail. or other similar apps. there is plenty to choose from, but i have been using youmail for years now with no complaints.
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