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Greetings from Modesto, CA

Never been a big fan of cellular phones but I do enjoy tinkering with electronics and the like. I'm new android, and eager to learn. This is so new to me that I really just want to get the basics beneath me. How to root my device, which apps are vital etcetera. Thanks in advanced for letting me pick your brains, with so many threads it looks like I've got a lot of reading to catch up on.

This place looks pretty active and I'm looking forward to future conversations with you all.

Had to edit my post, forgot to add my phone, Kyocera Event. It cost me about $75 dollars and I don't plan on keeping the Virgin Mobile service on it, I've been paying for skype for a few years now, 60 bucks a year (5 bucks a month) for phone service is a good deal, but I wanted a phone to use it on instead of my computer headset. I figured if I'm buying a phone either way, I'd rather have the android over the phones skype offers on it's website.


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