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Root [GUIDE] Changing the text color in notifications pull down

This Guide assumes you have SDK and JDK installed on your computer. If not, visit this thread for an excellent guide on how to install it and get going.

1. APK Manager found here:
APK Manager Ver 5.0 - Makes Modifying Ur Apk A Breeze (Windows/Linux) - xda-developers
Apk Manager 4.9 - Makes Modifying Ur Apk A Breeze (Windows/Linux) - xda-developers

2. A framework-res.apk (ensure it's for whichever build you are on. Be it DL17, EC03 OR EC07). If you have one of Trailblazer101's outstanding themes, I would use it, simply because if you apply one of his themes after you do this, you will need to modify it, or it will overwrite all the changes you are about to do.
3. The hex codes for the colors you want to use. You can chose up to 3 separate ones (one for the header, one for the description, and one for the date/time stamp.)

1. Download and extract apk manager (I haven't really noticed a difference between the two versions, so choose your poison.)
2. pick the framework-res.apk that you plan to modify, and drag it into the 'place here for modding' folder in the apk manager folder.
3. start script.
4. select option 22, and then 1 (assuming you only have one framework-res in the 'place here for modding' folder)
5. select 9. and wait for it to decompile.
6. Go to your projects folder, in there you will find the framework-res. select framework/res/layout/status_bar_latest_event_content.xml and open it with a text editor (I use wordpad, but notepad is good too.)
7. scroll down to the 16th line. This is the header for your notification.
android:textStyle="bold" android:textColor="#ffffffff"
8. LEAVING THE FIRST 2 F'S replace the last 6 characters with the color of your choice.
9. do the same on lines 27 and 34. these are the description and date/time stamp, respectively. Again, you can choose different colors, if you want. just make sure the ff at the beginning stays the same. That deals with the transparency.
10. close out the text editor, saving the changes, and go back to the script.
11. select option 11, then y (for is this a system apk) and y again.
12. after the apk compiles, go to the keep folder (the instructions in this step will be given to you in apk manager, as well) delete the arsc file and the xml you just edited in framework/res/layout/status_bar_latest_event_content
13. go back to script and hit enter (or any key). it will replace the xml's and at the end you should see 'everything is ok).
14. go back to your 'place here for modding' folder, and you should see a file that says 'unsignedframework-res'. delete the 'framework-res' and rename the 'unsignedframework-res' to 'framework-res'. Then drag it back into the folder you originally pulled it from, replacing the original.
15. put it on your sd card, and flash it via cwm, and you are good.

On the second step of "what you'll need" I mentioned using Trailblazer101's themes. Those will be linked in this forum shortly.


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