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[Guide] Common Sensation Issues & Solutions For Newbies


Android Enthusiast
May 16, 2011
Rotorua, New Zealand
I'm not sure if this has been done before or not, but have a few colleagues all running the HTC sensation in various forms.

We all have rooted/custom roms and as a result see a few oddities from time to time.
As a result of searching extensively for answers to problems that have arisen, I've made side notes for myself to refer back to when my brain fails me.

I thought I would make a quick how to guide for a few of the problems that seem to crop up with a lot of users, and this doesn't necessarily relate to HTC but to most Android devices.

Hidden Testing Menu - Enter into the phone Dialer: *#*#4636#*#* and it will open a new menu, offering, phone, battery, usage and wifi information.

Touchscreen Issues - Issues arising from having your phone on charge and being unable to use the touchscreen properly, eg: lockring not responding, power menu coming up... More information can be found here: [FIX] [UPDATED] Touchscreen issues - xda-developers

Installing S-off, Unlocking, ClockWork, Root, SuperCID & S-on - I won't go indepth here as this guide is all you need - XDA Forum Guide

No Wifi Access - This is seems to be a common problem among Android users. Being unable to connect to a certain router or network. The one solution that keeps appearing as a fix is to go to Settings>Wifi >Advanced (or soft menu key) > Regulatory Domain>Set to 14 channels.

Battery Issues - For many Sensation users having Sense is a major battery drain. For most android users, it can be simple settings such as GPS, Bluetooth, New open wifi network notifications all causing battery drain, switching these off along with auto brightness can increase battery life.
The other main battery issue is the charge/discharge statistics. Often it can jump and show 60% and then drop to 35% or vice versa. A simple fix is to fully charge the battery using a wall charger (usb uses a different voltage) and then let it sit at full charge for at least a further hour. Drain battery and repeat. Once fully charged again, boot into recovery and wipe battery stats.

Rom/Application Issues - A lot of us like to flash new roms, for me it's almost daily. First thing once you download the rom is to create a Nandroid backup using CWM. In some cases, such as updating a rom, you won't need to wipe the caches, but in most instances you will. This prevents the two roms competing against each other with the same information. Android Revolution HD Superwipe >Download Here< is a brilliant tool and is flashed through CWM like a normal rom. On a side note, if you find that even after superwipe and flashing the new rom you still have problems, the general reason I've found is due to the device using Google to back up your data. When you first set up your phone, it will ask you to automatically restore and back up data. Doing so returns your apps/wallpaper and associated data to the phone, once done you may need to wipe the individual applications data to rectify the problems. Especially if a previously installed application was the problem for the reflash of the rom.
Another important thing to check is the MD5sum of a file. In most cases the developer of the rom will list the MD5sum of the download so you know you have the correct, unaffected file. This helps in a big way to prevent unnecessary fails in flashing. CWM offers to check the sum of a file, likewise programs such as Fastsum can be downloaded for your pc.

SD Card Issues - One thing that we have noticed is that if you format your SD card via the phone, the pc will not always accept it again as an external device. The quickest solution is to format via an adaptor through the pc or via the phone with a usb cable.

Custom Notifications - If you want to add your own ringtones or message notifications, even custom alarm tones to the stock list, on your SD Card create the following folder paths.
Media>Audio>Notifications. Place the audio files in here and they will appear amongst your list of selectable tones.

Applications not loading after boot - The main cause for this especially when wifi or data will not connect after booting up your device is the fastboot option under settings. Disabling this will allow the device to load all the required settings.

That's all I have for now, but will regularly update as needed. If anyone else has other ways of solving the above let me know and I'll add them.



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