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Guys I am sorry

Would you take a phone with no root, but is a great phone. Or a phone with root, that is cheap?

  • Id take a phone with no root or roms, however that phone is a reliable piece of hardware

    Votes: 7 70.0%
  • No i certainly would not, I need my roms. Even if my phone is slow, latest android duh

    Votes: 3 30.0%

  • Total voters


Android Enthusiast
Aug 19, 2014
United States
So for a while now i've tried my hand at developing for this phone. Some of you love it, some are not the most fond of it. Well the area im in, doesn't play well with this phone. So for the past few months, i have had a terrible time having a reliable phone. Yesterday I purchased a new phone from metro. The phone is the galaxy j3 prime, I personally enjoy it, im not trying to sell it. However for me it is quick and reliable. And most importantly it does what i need it to. So thanks for letting me develop, i have had my ups and downs. Some stuff ill leave out aswell. But it has been fun! If i do end up developing for this phone again, it wont be for a while. But honestly im going to try selling it. Hopefully you all have a wonderful summer.
Don't blame ya. This phone's starting to feel like a complete potato. Thatnks for the AOSP 5.1.1 ROM, That's the one I've pretty much settled with at this point. Someday I'll ascend from Potato-hood. lmao These days, ROMs just don't feel fulfilling anymore, aside from a performance boost, having to set everything up from scratch gets old after awhile.
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Yes I totally agree. I can't wait to see if my new phone gets root. But for now, nougat is rock solid. Also, this phone should be getting android 8. (Oreo?)
Aside from this, battery isn't terrible. And again 16gb of storage like the zmax is plenty! Good luck in your future endeavors. I can leave you with this word of advice. I recommend the galaxy j3 prime to you for stability and darn good performance. The other recommendation for still pretty sweet hardware and a lot of ram. Get a LG g3 from mobile that is unlocked or at&t then you have a whole universe of Roms!!
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Okay so it has been a while now, I have missed you guys. And I am now very upset. The new phone I purchased, turns out to be a locked down mess. No root has been found for it, and for some odd reason, I didn't readily do research. Well if it cant be achieved, I suppose ill be looking into making another investment into another phone sometime. However, the reliability It had new, has all but left. Now it has an accelerometer issue, the phone freezes, and samsungs bloat is killer. Im so upset.
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Go figure, the Non- flagships from samsung always cause issues. Last one I had was always unresponsive it drove me to actually smash it! not even custom ROMs could save that thing. You may have to wipe /Data and start again. I've made the mistake of getting a locked phone myself (lg p769) being stuck with a sluggish ROM impossible to unlock the BL made it a nightmare I had to fight. almost smashed that one, but gave it away once I got my z970. Surprisingly enough my z970 still does decent today, but it's showing it's potato-ness. I'm actually kinda scared to get another phone, what if I wind up with something capable, but so bloated it's very potato-like.in other words, Ripped off.

What I say: A Locked BL phone's Stock ROM can Make or Break a Device. no matter the Specs. You could attempt to swap your phone out sometime before it drives you insane.
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Go figure, the Non- flagships from samsung always cause issues. Last one I had was always unresponsive it drove me to actually smash it! not even custom ROMs could save that thing. You may have to wipe /Data and start again. I've made the mistake of getting a locked phone myself (lg p769) being stuck with a sluggish ROM impossible to unlock the BL made it a nightmare I had to fight. almost smashed that one, but gave it away once I got my z970. Surprisingly enough my z970 still does decent today, but it's showing it's potato-ness. I'm actually kinda scared to get another phone, what if I wind up with something capable, but so bloated it's very potato-like.in other words, Ripped off.

What I say: A Locked BL phone's Stock ROM can Make or Break a Device. no matter the Specs. You could attempt to swap your phone out sometime before it drives you insane.
The other thing with this phone is, if you don't remove your account before factory wipe. It is locked even harder with factory reset protection. Awful garbage. Anyone know where I can get a cheap LG g3 unlocked. So I can use it with metro! That is my true dream phone. So many rooms for that thing!!!!
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Hope so man, That'd be great. haha talk about an all-around upgrade. XD So now we note, Samsung (non flagship anyways) = Crap. good luck out there buddy =]
I'd somewhat agree there. At least I'm probably gonna get the Android 8.0 update. It says it'll be updated to it. Anyway, good luck to you aswell!
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