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Happy 8th Birthday!


Extreme Android User
Aug 17, 2010
Cotswolds, England
Launched on the 11th of April, 2014, the Samsung Galaxy S5 is now 8 years old today!


One of the best phones I have ever owned.

Sadly, my S5, G900F, met with an unfortunate accident a few months ago and has now been consigned to my graveyard drawer. o_O

My original G900V died of screen flickering after that 1/17/18 Blueborne patch Samsung tried repairing it two times to no avail. Upgraded to a Note 9 then a friend was nice enough to ship for me a S5 for free from this veteran who was changing phones. It arrived at my doorstep on 1/4/2021 Then I bought a Tmobile S5 February 2021 because I wanted to experience Kitkat on the S5 as I never experienced it due to owning an S4 in 2014. G900T is going strong but had to use the battery from the Verizon S5 due to the seller including a faulty battery. That free verizon S% has a broken charging port and flap which needs to be replaced so it's lying dormant currently
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