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Happy New Year


Android Expert
As we prepare to close out the books (and paper calendars for those who still use them!) on 2022, I just wanted to say how much I enjoy this place and that’s because of its members. Thanks for being here.
I hope 2023 is kind to you and those who are important to you.
Have a happy and healthy 2023, everyone!

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

can't wait for the New Year. i saved up money for tomorrow....cuz tomorrow i'm cooking up some ciopino which is an Italian seafood stew. i bought ne some huge King crab legs and lobster tails from Costco as well as some mussels that i bought from Wholefoods. those crab legs and lobster tails were not cheap. but i set aside some money especially for this. its gonna be sooooooooo good.

i hope you guys have a great New Year!!!!!!
I will soon grab one of our dogs' BOUNCY balls; drop it; kiss the wife; thank the Lord I'm not in Times Square again this year (that's 60 years in a row so far!); and should be asleep by 8:30. If I wake up in the morning, it will be 2023 no matter what shape I'm in, so I may as well be in decent shape...

Happy 2023 to us all!


(Edited because @Fox Mulder has a mind much like my own, good catch)
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HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

can't wait for the New Year. i saved up money for tomorrow....cuz tomorrow i'm cooking up some ciopino which is an Italian seafood stew. i bought ne some huge King crab legs and lobster tails from Costco as well as some mussels that i bought from Wholefoods. those crab legs and lobster tails were not cheap. but i set aside some money especially for this. its gonna be sooooooooo good.

i hope you guys have a great New Year!!!!!!

Sounds good! In France Ciopino is called Bouillabaisse. I had it in Marseille, France and it was delicious.
Sounds good! In France Ciopino is called Bouillabaisse. I had it in Marseille, France and it was delicious.
so i was just told by my friend who is a chef at a local restaurant here, that cioppino is an Italian-American dish created in San Francisco in the 1800's.

i'm doing a twist on it by not adding fish. crab, lobster and mussels should be good enough......lol
Happy New Year to my beloved AF family! Damn, another year gone... another one starting, with all its fresh, new promise. Let's hope for a good one! So far it's been great here--we actually got RAIN. :eek: Like measurable, real rain. Hopefully we'll see a lot more!
We have finally a nice cool day down here, just awesome wind and nice cool tempature that is not to hot or even too cold either. :)
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