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Hard Reset


Android Enthusiast
EDIT: As opposed to the 'long' way (below) I suggest doing the factory resent under SETTINGS>PRIVACY.
I did the factory reset method because after the long method I started to get a lot of random reboots. Could have been an app I installed but the Droid seemed better after the factory reset, FWIW.


Did a hard reset more or less just to see if/how it would work. Found out that with the google sync, once I reset my phone it downloaded and installed all the applications I had installed prior to the reset. Wow, so easy.
It did NOT keep the icons/widgits/shortcuts I had setup, nor some other account setting, but that is not hard to remedy.

I followed the instructions I found in a another post to reset.

Hard Reset
1. Power off phone
2. Use hardware keyboard
3. Press and hold the 'X' key and Power button until you see a screen with an exclamation point inside a triangle
4. Press and hold the Volume Up key then press the Camera button (I had to do this twice) to get menu screen (Linux back-end becomes VERY apparent here)
5. Using the D-pad, select one of the Wipe options (specifically Wipe Data/Factory Reset)
6. Confirm your selection and wait for it to complete
7. Reboot the device

Looks good , I hope they have this Reset feature in the 2.0 update. Currently on my Magic , EVERYTHING is deleted and you have to re-install all the apps etc :eek: This should save alot of Inconvenience :D
I will also note that in SETTINGS>PRIVACY there is an option for "Factory Reset" which I'm assuming does the same thing.

Also, a Hard Reset does NOT wipe the SD (which is normal based upon my experience.)
I will also note that in SETTINGS>PRIVACY there is an option for "Factory Reset" which I'm assuming does the same thing.

Also, a Hard Reset does NOT wipe the SD (which is normal based upon my experience.)

While I am able to get the the yellow triangle, I can go no further...
I assume the volume rocker is what I should press, along with the gold camera button. Tried holding one then tapping hte other, holding both, holding both sides of the rocker with no avail.
While I am able to get the the yellow triangle, I can go no further...
I assume the volume rocker is what I should press, along with the gold camera button. Tried holding one then tapping hte other, holding both, holding both sides of the rocker with no avail.

I believe it is volume up (hold) and press the camera key.

I would recommend using the factory reset under Privacy in the Droid settings. I have done both and after the "long" method I started getting reboots, so I did the factory reset under Privacy, the Droid seemed to run better.
It could have been an app I installed but I can't nail it down.
Just an FYI, I just performed the "Factory Reset" and the *228 and big improvements to my 3g reception. At home it would go in and out of 1g and 3g and now it's a solid 3g. Hope this helps others ...
What is the *228 thing folks are talking about #228, select option 2 and then what? that's it?
Not an expert but found this ...

Why do I need to perform this update on my wireless phone?
By performing this update your phone will stay on the Verizon Wireless network and/or digital service whenever possible. Also, for most price plans after 2/1/2002 the phone roam indicator will turn off/on in accordance to the price plan you have chosen.

What are the steps I need to take to complete this update?
The following are the steps you need to take to complete the update:

1. Power on your Verizon Wireless phone
2. Dial *228 from your home digital coverage area, followed by the SEND key
3. When prompted, press option #2, to update your phones roaming capabilities (This process may take up to 2 minutes)
4. Once completed, a confirmation message will be played, and a message will display on the phone screen.

What if the update fails to complete successfully?
If for some reason the update does not complete successfully, please try again at a later time. If the problem persists, your phone may not be capable of this update process.

What benefits will this update provide?
Benefits of this update may include:

Longer battery life
Fewer dropped or blocked calls
Clear, crisp connections in even more areas across the United States
Roaming indicator will reflect the price plan you have chosen (available on most price plans after 2/1/2002).

How often do I need to perform this update?
This update should be performed every three months, and/or after changing price plans.

How much will this *228 call cost me?
This call is offered FREE of airtime charges from Verizon Wireless.

When can I perform this update?
You may perform this update at your convenience. This FREE software update is available to you 24 hours a day, seven days a week!

Also, don't do this if you are roaming, does very bad things ...
And this does what exactly? b/c it sounds like it changes something that might later on get me in trouble lol....

Actually, if you could link me to the documentation where this is explained in detail, I'd appreciate it.

EDIT: Added the following

OK, I was posting when the post above me was being posted - so I just saw that.

Thanks for the info - but does it really need to be performed on phones today since this is talking about something way back then?
What is the *228 thing folks are talking about #228, select option 2 and then what? that's it?
*228 updates your roaming. What this means is that the phone will connect to the nearest cell tower and "bond" with them. This is helpful if say, you don't get good reception at your house, or at your work. If you don't do a *228, the phones primary tower might be in arizona where it was manufactured rather than set to New york, where you live.

Also, when you travel, you should do a *228 to set you towers to whatever is local to that area. (And then set it back when you return home)

I don't find this helps when I am in a local metro area - like my home versus work. But if I travel out of state, or 2 hours away from my home, I always reset my towers to what is local.
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