Here's an idea. Let's go further and make some of you happy by creating a perfect libertarian society:
Private fire departments: Why should I pay if your house is on fire. I was responsible and didn't let a fire affect my house. If your house or business is on fire, then you pay the cost to put it out.
Private security firms replace police departments: I carry around a can of mace and a gun to protect myself. If we all did that, criminals would be too afraid to commit crimes and police would be unnecessary. If your house is broken into or you're attacked, then pay a security firm yourself to investigate. Reckless driving can sort itself out - you do it too much, you'll probably kill yourself. It's all about personal responsibility. I don't want the government patrolling the streets and checking up on what I'm doing.
Employer-based education: If you have a job, then they can subsidize your child's education and you can afford to put your child in school. This can reduce the number of births by people not economically fit to have children! If you lose your job, you can pay COBRA for a few months. When COBRA runs out, you can take the kid out of school until you get a job again or pay $2000/month for him/her to stay in. You can opt out of the system altogether - an estimated 30-40% of children would be without any formal education, but we'll be out of the tyranny of government-controlled education. Take that China! If it makes sense for a life-or-death situation like health care, then it should make sense for all issues.
Eliminate Libraries: They're like Napster for the publishing world (books and copyrighted material for free?). I don't read, so why should I pay for someone else's access to literature and information? Go to Amazon if you want to read or watch Fox News if you want information. If you can't afford to buy a book or a cable subscription, then you don't belong in my neighborhood anyway.
And what's this crap with national parks? Wasn't that from Theodore Roosevelt's time (a guy who used 'bully' as a primary staple of his vocabulary)?! I hate nature and I resent that I'm paying for someone to take a hike or go camping for the weekend when they should be working. National Parks equals rangers, which equals a bigger government! Not to mention all the oil that may or may not be under that land.
How about public transportation? Why should I pay for someone to take a train or a bus? As long as my roads are paved and I can drive my SUV to work let the public transportation system sustain itself.
And why is my tax money paying for your roads to be paved? I don't use the same roads as you and it's not my fault that your Hyundai can't go off-road. If you don't like it, then go to Canada. I'm sure they have smooth roads where you'll have to wait in traffic for hours while my $75,000 SUV can go wherever it wants to bypass traffic.
Maybe we also need to privatize fire hydrants, water supply and fire trucks. If the matter is a simple as a cat up a tree, the following does not apply:
1. If there is a fire, the rightful fire hydrant owner can charge a fee (the free market will sort this out) so that the privately owned fire trucks can use the hydrant.
2. The water coming out of the hydrant will be owned by the privately held water company. They can put a meter inside the hydrant and charge by the size of the fire.
3. The government should not restrict the possibility of the water owner, the hydrant owner and the fire truck owner all being owned by the same monopoly or cartel.
4. Ownership of the street area used by the truck should also be private. A parking fee will be assessed (the free market should sort this out too.)
I could keep all my precious monies for myself if we get rid of all this wasteful spending!
Scary and expensive place the world in which some of you want the rest of us to live.