Hi all, i have an issue installing android-sdk_r3-linux on eclipse, ganymede version
this is the error i get, and i cannot figure out what's the problem, since i own that folder, and there's no PlatformPackage.new01 anywhere (so, it's hardly renameable...)
error no more occurs when running eclipse with sudo, still this is not the answer needed
Downloading SDK Platform Android 2.0, API 5, revision 1
Installing SDK Platform Android 2.0, API 5, revision 1
Failed to rename directory /home/smau/Downloads/android-sdk-linux/temp/PlatformPackage.new01 to /home/smau/Downloads/android-sdk-linux/platforms/android-2.0
this is the error i get, and i cannot figure out what's the problem, since i own that folder, and there's no PlatformPackage.new01 anywhere (so, it's hardly renameable...)
error no more occurs when running eclipse with sudo, still this is not the answer needed