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Help...GSII slow pulling down data all of a sudden...


Oct 13, 2011
So since I got my GSII, loading web pages and using data has always been lightning fast. I have very good service where I live. For the last 2 days, my phone has been slow. Pages fail to load, or just load incredibly slow. The phone will tell me I have no internet connection. The hourglass thingy just spins. This happens to both web browsing and using apps. Ie, TMZ stories populate incredibly slow. Or the text will show up and the pictures load so slow. Every app is like this now. If I switch to wifi, everything is instantaneous (which prior to yesterday, was like that for using data also).

I'm stumped. My phone is rooted, but like I said, this only started like yesterday. Is there a setting I could have changed by accident that messed up my data signal? The only 3 programs I have that needed root access was Chainfire 3d pro, Addfree Android, and Titanium Backup. I recall downloading an update to Titanium backup within the last couple days, and of course, addfree android is always getting updates. I deleted addfree android, but that didn't fix the problem. Do I need to do a factory restore?

Thanks in advance.



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