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HELP ME FEEL BETTER!:( Dropped S7....

So I got a brand new Galaxy S7, had it for a couple months, I legit took it out of its otterbox ONLY to clean it, as I was wiping it down, I lost my grip and it fell on the hardwood:/ screen is fine and everything else is fine and works perfect but a BIG chunk out of the lower right hand corner that wraps around the phone... I am pissed because I have no had this phone for very long and this happend last night and I am still upset about it. I know it is dumb, because the phone works perfectly I checked everything to make sure but even with a case on I can't stop thinking about that damn chip. Have any of you got brand new phone and had a BAD drop within the first couple months and kept using your phone for a long time after? The chip is purely cosmetic but my ****in heart hurts! hahaha
Any chance the corner that got chipped off can be glued back in place? It'll still have a bit of a cosmetic blemish but hopefully your Otter case covers that all up anyway. Or have you used Sugru before? It's amazing stuff.
Of course this will be even more obvious than a glued seam but look at it as a badge of endurance for your S7.
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