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Help needed with microphone


Hi. This is my first post and I am here because I need some help.

I can make a video call by WhatsApp or by Messenger. I can see the person I call and they can see me. I can hear what they say but they CANNOT hear me.

I have toggled the mute button on WhatsApp on and off but it makes no difference.

I know the microphone is working because I can make telephone calls and because Google Assistant recognises my voice commands.

If I go to Settings/Apps/Permissions manager/Microphone I see that Google has microphone access allowed all the time and ALL other apps allow microphone when in use.

Could any kind person suggest what I check next?

I am using a cheap Blackview Tab 6 Tablet with Sim (which suits my requirements) and it is running Android 11

I have recently removed the sim card from a Motorola 5 phone (where both apps were working correctly) and placed it in the Blackview tab 6. I also have a larger Samsung Galaxy 5e which also runs the apps correctly.
Since you are able to make phone calls and use Google Assistant at least you know there isn't a more serious hardware-related problem, it's likely to be just some annoying configuration. You mentioned the Permissions Manager which does seem like that should be enough, but is there any Permissions enable/disable setting in the WhatsApp app menu pertaining to the Microphone? That might be one other place to check. Or just open up the Settings app again and in in the upper search bar do a search for microphone or for sound and see if anything pertinent shows up that might be the culprit.
Thanks ocnbrze. You could be right because it is a cheap tablet but it does everything I need and no more (apart from the microphone problem). I would hate to replace it only to find I am stuck with the same problem. Do you know of any way to determine definitively that the machine is malfunctioning?

And thanks svim, I agree it does not sound like a serious hardware problem because phone and Google Assist are both working. Also I can send audible sounds over WiFi to a security camera.

If I place my WhatsApp next to my wife's Whatsapp and call, I can hear her voice on my WhatsApp - but when I speak, she cannot hear anything but my voice can be heard on the speakers on my own phone. So the microphone seems to be working but sending the signal to the wrong location. I am sure there is a clue here to someone who understands this stuff. It definitely feels like a software settings problem.

I can see no settings for the microphone on Whatsapp apart from a mute button which I have toggled on and off to no effect.

I have tried the searches you suggest in “Settings” but it only gets me back to settings I have already checked.

I did download an app from Playstore called “Phone Doctor” and it reports that the front microphone is working on low and medium frequencies but fails on high frequencies. Being slightly deaf, I cannot hear the test sound generated at the higher frequencies anyway so I guess this is OK.

Anyone any ideas???
No solution yet. I would think apps as widely used as Whatsapp and Messenger would be compatible with most devices. I feel that there must be a simple solution somewhere.
This is an issue with a device specific app, not the device itself.
You can keep beating a dead horse thinking it's a device setting when it's not.
If the microphone works it should work on any app you install, BUT NOT ALWAYS.
Have you tried contacting the developer of whatsapp and messenger?
Well since it's established the microphone is OK and working with other apps and services, you probably don't need to worry about any kind of hardware failure nor messing with the general sound options in the Settings menu and focus on the WhatsApp app. That's apparently the only app that's a problem.
Just to confirm, when you go into the Settings >> Apps >> WhatsApp app menu and look in the app's Permissions options, the Microphone is set to Allowed? If it is still set as Not Allowed, change it.

Another thing to try is just do a complete reinstall of the WhatsApp app. Use the Backup/Restore option that's included in the WhatsApp app itself.
Double check your WhatsApp data has been saved to wherever you specified. Don't ignore this, double-check. Then go into Settings >> Apps menu, find and open the WhatsApp entry again, but this time tap on Force stop, then find and tap on Clear data, and then tap on Uninstall. It's important to use Clear data, that assures the app's settings and config data get deleted. With some apps this is already happens, but with some it doesn't and there's still a folder left containing the config data left behind. Now try reinstalling the WhatsApp app from the Play Store, use the Restore option in the WhatsApp app, and see if that makes any difference.
First – thanks guys for your encouraging interest and suggestions. I shall continue to try and resolve this issue because I really like this cheap little tablet/phone.

I think I am confident the microphone is working.

I only have issues with Messenger and Whatsapp.

I have been previously using both apps successfully on a Motorola with my existing SIM card and a WIFI only Samsung tablet. I imagine it may be possible that there may be some left over synced settings that may be causing a problem.

I intend to install Telegram which is an app I have never used before. If it does work, then there must be a problem with settings or compatibility in Messenger and WhatsApp. If it doesn’t work, I guess there is a system problem in the Tab 6 itself.

Plan B is to reinstall Whatsapp using the guide suggested by svim - AND– to contact Messenger and Whatsapp support as has already been suggested.
I have now loaded Telegram onto when Blackview tab 6
If I receive a call, I can hear and see the caller perfectly. The caller can see me but cannot hear me.
When I speak to the caller, I can hear my voice coming from the speakers on my phone.

Exactly the same thing happens when I try WhatsApp.

This seems to exclude the individual apps and their settings as THE problem.

Does this point to a hardware issue or could it still be down to some Android settings?
Does this point to a hardware issue or could it still be down to some Android settings?

Likely to be a software issue rather than a hardware one. If the actual microphone module itself did fail or its wiring messed up (i.e. failed solder connection) than it would stop working -- that is, none of your apps would be able to interact with it. It's not a matter of it fail with only some apps and be able to magically repair itself to work with some other apps.
There's a software issue, or more likely some setting or configuration issue, that's relative to only specific apps (apps are software, not hardware).
I am inclines to agree with you svim but I cannot think what to try next. I am a bit of a Newbie to Android.
Did you actually check Settings >> Apps >> WhatsApp >> Permissions >> Microphone?
Setting the overall Settings option to allow Microphone access is just part of the setup process, the other part is allowing/denying Permissions with each app.
Is there anyone you know who is comfortable using Android? A friend or family member? Are are any neighborhood mobile device help services? (i.e. local library or community college that have tech focused 'help nights' or seminars.)
"Did you actually check Settings >> Apps >> WhatsApp >> Permissions >> Microphone?"
Yes I did that at the start. I get three options
Allow when in use
Ask every time
I select the first option.

I live in retirement in a very rural part of France. I am probably the most technically minded person in my area but it is a VERY low bar. Our local library consists of a few books left inside a disused telephone box. It is possible to get to a larger town but I would not know where to start. I was hoping I could find a solution here.
OK, so you've checked various microphone-related options and it's still a problem. But it's apparently not an overall mic issue but just a per-app matter. Not to ignore the obvious but have you just restarted your tablet recently? A simple reboot can clear up a lot of one-off glitches that pop up.
Well that was interesting. On restarting my Tab 6 , Telegram works perfectly. WhatsApp still has the same problem. I have been prodding around its settings and I see there is a facility for linking a WiFi only tablet or a PC to a WhatsApp account. This was not available when I first signed up to WhatsApp but more by luck than judgement I managed to link my previous tablet to my previous phone (which uses the same SIM card as I am using now.) Somehow I guess that link still exists even though it does not show up in a list of linked devices. I guess I can just scrap my WhatsApp account and start again with a fresh download. Many thanks for your help.
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