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Help Help S7E possibly dead


Feb 8, 2017
Hey there, My S7E Exynos ( SM-G935F) has been acting up as of late. I have installed a bunch of custom roms in the past on it but about 4 weeks ago when i went to install a new version of the rom i was currently using, I got an error in recovery about assert failed or something like that. exact error message was
assert failed: package_extract_dir("system","/system")

Anyways after that I flashed a different rom that seemed to work and all was good, Then about a week later I again flashed a newer version of the rom, but this time part way through the flashing process TWRP crashed and the flashing was stuck. When this happens I have to press the volume + power Buttons to get it to reboot.
After trying this several times the flashing process would continue to freeze, with the flashing process sometimes nearing completion and other times crashing very early on. I also tried this on another rom. (Rom's tried so far were Renovate 5.1 and Helios 7.0.2 I think). Eventually at one point when my phone crashed during the flashing process, when I rebooted it, I was greeted by a black screen with a static/unblinking blue notification led. Trying to reboot the device, powering down or pressing any./all combination of hardware buttons did nothing as my s7e was completely unresponsive. Plugging it into the charge also did nothing at this point. The next morning the blue notification led has turn off (battery had completely drained), this time when I plugged it in the phone responded with the grey battery symbol and I was able to reboot into recovery, this time I flashed a different rom and it worked the flashing process completed and i managed to boot it up and get everything installed and working. I was on this rom for around 3 weeks maybe, but just last night it f***ed again. It happened when I ran a benchmark test on Geekbench 4, were at this point the phone seemed to crash and reboot it self, only this time the reboot process seemed to loop (bootloop?), I decided to leave my phone there for a maybe 5-10 minutes to see if it would eventually manage to boot. The next time I looked at it the screen was black with a static/unblinking blue notification led (again) as well as the backlighting for the 2 capacative buttons being on. Again my S7E didnt respond to any button combinations or charging and seemed completely dead like last time. I left the phone over night to drain the battery and in the morning all the lights on it were off and I managed to get it responding again to charging and boot into recovery. Like last time though my phone and TWRP would crash and freeze part way though the flashing process, this time however the rom that I managed to flash last time also results in a freeze/crash while flashing.

Sorry for the long post just want to know what could possibly be wrong with my phone. At this stage I am leaning towards this being a hardware issue more so than a software one. Any help/tips would be appreciated.
Also forgot to mention this above but I did tried different versions of TWRP. Rom files were stored on SD card but I did try moving them to internal storage at one point, to no avail.
my S7E is hard bricked I'm pretty sure. The last rom that I tried flashing had a option in aroma that automatically updated the modem and bootloader to the latest version. I ticked this without really thinking and during the flashing process, my s7e froze/crashed as usual. This would have f**cked up the bootloader and now the phone is hard bricked. I do still believe there was a hardware issue with my s7e though that made it crash/freeze whenever I would flash something in twrp.
I live in Australia, my carrier is Telstra. I'll try and claim warranty on it and play dumb, ill rehash the story without any of the twrp/custom rom stuff, hopefully they will accept it.
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Hmm this is really weird, but this morning I plugged in my seemly dead/hard bricked s7e, and I responded allowing me to boot into recovery. Don't really know why I could suddenly do this when last night it appeared completely dead. with no response from charging or button presses at all.
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Hmm I managed to flash back my stock samsung Rom via Odin and the phone still wont boot up.
It boot looped a few times, I did manage to get into the stock recovery and do a wipe but that still solved nothing.
eventually after a few loops the phone has a completely black screen with only a single blue led light (again). Like the other 2 times this has happened it will not respond to any button presses, only thing I can do is wait for the battery to drain before plugging it in any rebooting to recovery. At this point though I am confident to say that my s7e is completely fried.
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