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Help Help with activating mms


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2010
Aberdeen, Scotland
Hi. First post in the N4 forum :) (coming from a rooted HTC Desire)

Had my N4 16Gb for a couple of weeks now I love everything about it but I just can't send or receive MMS'. (texts and data work perfectly)

I got my N4 through buymobilephones.net on an Orange contract. The problem (or the only excuse Orange have offered me) seems to be that Orange don't actually supply N4's themselves and therefore their "software" is not set up for them yet... This as we will find out later is crap.

First I spent 2 days talking with Orange CS (which was sole destroying) and their inaptitude matched their failure to help. All they did was read scripted replies then when faced with not being able to find the N4 on their setup website (like I hadn't tried that first :rolleyes:) they sent me text after text with supposed activation data... none of which worked. Meanwhile, I tried some APN settings that I found on the net... they didn't work either. In the end Orange CS threw their hands up and passed the buck onto LG or buymobilephones.net.

I spoke to LG next. They confirmed that Orange may indeed not support certain features of the N4... and all further questions from me seemed to loop back to the same answer.

With that avenue exhausted I contacted buymobilephones.net with the expectation of returning my N4.

After the usual rounds between clueless CS operators I was put through to a guy in their technical dept. Now this guy really seemed clued up on the N4 and is a big fan of the handset... so much so he has one himself. The curious thing is that his N4 is on Orange too... and has no problems whatsoever with MMS. Ok now we are getting somewhere - proof that it should work.

I asked him to give me his APN settings so that I could enter them in my N4 and it should work. He was unable to comply straight away as his company didn't allow handsets on the job, so he gave me some generic Android setting to try and said he would email me his setting in the morning. The generic settings didn't work. Next day true to his word the BMP.net tech guy sent me the setting from his N4... they didn't work either.

So here I am a week further down the line and still no MMS'.

You guys any ideas what I can try next?
I'm sure you've already tried this, but in the event you haven't, go into messages then go into settings, and go under MMS and make sure the "Group Messaging" box is checked off. Also I have "Auto-retrieve" checked off as well. This is under the assumption that you are upset that the nexus is not grouping your messages for group chats.

Good luck!
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