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Help Help with adb shell in twrp


Jan 26, 2015
Hi, I need to use some commands in twrp with adb shell, but I have never done something similar so I am not sure of how to proceed. Below is a screenshot of adb shell. I get these symbols [6n that I am not sure if I should start typing the commands there or if there is something more I should do and I don't want to risk before I am certain of how to do it. I read that I may have to use the su command but I get su: not found if I type it next to [6n.

Any help would be appreciate, but please try and be as detailed as possible cause I am new in these things.

Yeah, that's just junk that the Windows / Microsoft telnet doesn't know how to interpret, so it's okay to just type and interact like normal (pretty sure it's because the MS telnet doesn't properly communicate the terminal type it's emulating to the shell).

If you use a Linux or Cygwin telnet, you can set the TERM environment variable to something like vt100 so the shell will know how to properly do the terminal communications.

In any case, don't worry about those "noise" characters from a Windows Command Prompt session (I don't think there's any relevant settings that would allow you to change anything to make them go away--at least I haven't figured that out yet :)).

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