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Help Help with Telestial data APN


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2009
Houston, TX
So, I got a Passport Plus International SIM card that supports global data. It tells me that my phone probably needs to have an APN configured before I can access the data plan. However, not one of the instructions for the handset types (done by phone manufacturer) even remotely resembles the settings needed for Android's APN setup. Anyone here used Telestial and gotten the APN right? All I've got from this is that the APN should be named mobiledata and that username and password should be left blank. Here is the site that has the instructions for every other freaking phone: Prepaid Data Service - Telestial.
Aaaand, just in case anyone ever has this problem, it turns out that even in the US, in order to get data you have to have the phone on the global profile. Also you can't make calls from the International profile, so if you use it in the States, you've just got to do a bunch of switching back and forth.
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The more you know.

It's weird because it's a Passport SIM, and they really just have agreements with everybody for phone/data. I just wish that they noted somewhere that when in the states you have to use the 1+PIN for data and the 2+PIN for calls. It just says, in the US use 2+PIN. Also, you don't get the APN OTA, you have to set it up manually. And I'm usually pretty good about following directions, so if this managed to confuse me, I'm fairly sure it could confuse others. I spent a day trying to set up the APN on the US side of the phone, when all I needed to do was switch the profile over.
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