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Root HELP!!!! Won't boot past HTC screen!!

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I'm afraid you've deleted your ROM. If you have taken a nandroid backup, just restore that. You could even try the advanced restore option (assuming your recovery has it) and restore just the system partition (so as not to overwrite your data with an older version, if the nandroid is of the same ROM but not very recent).

If you do not have a nandroid, then the phone is certainly still recoverable. The question is whether it can be done without losing data?

If you still have a copy of the ROM zip (assuming a custom ROM), just reflash from recovery and you'll be fine. No need to wipe in this case.

If you don't, and can't find one, you can always flash a new ROM, but unless it's sufficiently similar for the system data to be compatible you'll have to wipe first. Fine if you have recent app/data backups (Titanium etc), less good otherwise but perhaps unavoidable.

If you were using the original ROM (just rooted, no custom ROM), and don't have a recent app/data backup, you can probably flash a rooted stock ROM based on the same android version without wiping and recover your data that way. If there are any problems then a factory reset will be needed though, and there are no promises that this will work without one (depends on just how similar the ROMs are).

As I don't have or know the EVO I can't advise on ROMs. Sorry.
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