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Hey all

Thought I would say hi as this place has decent forums for individual phones.

I'm a computational chemist from the UK now working in Germany. I also run a lot of table top rpgs, have had a bit of freelance writing published, and I also co-host the Darker Days Radio podcast - a World of Darkness focused gaming podcast.

So yeah I am a complete goth/geek/gamer.

Currently have a Sony Xperia S after ditching my X10 finally. Also have a Asus Transformer TF101 which is an excellent bit of kit for both fun and for work (seriously it makes reading research papers a lot easier).
Hello, DrEther. :)

It's nice to have you aboard. I hope you'll enjoy your stay here. The best place to find help, tips & tricks for your device - would be in its area of support.

You can select your device(s) model from the list here where you can interact with the other users -- who will give you help to get the best out of your device.

I hope this place will be useful to you.
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