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Hey Everybody!!! I'm back!!


Android Enthusiast
Wow... It seems like forever since I've been on this site. I've spent more time over on XDA but I haven't forgotten about my AndroidForums Family.

Lets see... I'm no longer in Louisiana... I moved back home to Atlanta right before mothers day of 2011 and stayed in Atlanta until October. The job market there was a complete WRECK for anyone that doesn't have a vehicle (like myself). I worked a few side jobs but nothing that really kept my attention. So I decided to move to Greensboro North Carolina last October. BEST...DECISION...EVER!!! :D

My 2nd day in Greensboro I landed a job as a Guest Services Representative at a hotel. I still hold that position to this day and I love my job. I moved into my own 2 Bedroom Apartment on December 27th. When I moved I only had my Laptop, a surround sound system (that was recently purchased), my Xbox 360, my clothes and an air mattress.

Since then I've basically furnished my apartment. Unfortunately I invited a so-called friend over and he later decided to come back and break into my apartment and walk out of my front door with my 46 Inch Flat Screen TV, my Xbox 360 and all of my games. I was at work at the time of the break in (I work the 3rd shift) and when I got back home I was devastated. While the items can easily be replaced with hard work and patience, its still a horrible feeling to know that something you worked hard for is now in the hands of someone else. *le sigh*

Anyway... enough of the sad stories. I also upgraded to the Samsung Epic Touch 4G and I LOVE IT. I see that Sprint recently released the GSIII and i'm not impressed with it at all. 4G LTE - Wooptie Do! I get Wimax in my bedroom so i'm good on that. Ofcourse it was rooted as soon as I got it home and i'm currently rocking CM9 - ICS with a bad ass theme I found on the market (Mixer ICS).

Anyway... I missed you guys and I hope everyone has been doing well! I promise not to disappear again! :)

welcome back.. great to hear you got back on your feet.

and that totally sucks about your buddy.. (assshhole)
So I decided to move to Greensboro North Carolina last October. BEST...DECISION...EVER!!! :D

My 2nd day in Greensboro I landed a job as a Guest Services Representative at a hotel.

Dude! My hometown. :D

I worked at a hotel here too for 2 years in maintenance. Its a high class hotel with rooms $300 a night. I hated that place!

Good luck to you.

I hope your 'friend' got hit by a bus.
Thanks everyone for the warm re-welcomes! As far as the 'friend' goes... well he stole a DVR Recorder I bought on Amazon for like $125 (I used it to record my xbox360 gameplay). I guess he didnt have a use for it so he took it to the pawn shop the next day.

I think we have an award for the most dumbest criminal ever. The police are supposedly looking for him but I havent heard anything from them in weeks so i'll be calling them Monday. I was able to give the police serial numbers to all of my stolen property (still have the box the TV came in and the 360 is registered with Microsoft). The TV and 360 have not been pawned so I guarantee its sitting in his sisters living room. If they go knock on her door with a search warrant I'm willing to bet money that my items will be recovered. They seem to be dragging their feet but i'm about to light the fuse.
Sorry to hear about your stuff, I hate thieves, especially when they are alleged "friends". At least you are in a place where you are happy, and stuff can be replaced. If you don't get it back, chalk it up to a lesson learned and move on. I would think the feeling of violation, (and in this case, betrayal) would be worse than the actual loss of property. Best of luck with the police. Welcome back.
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