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Hi and help with inbox

Hi I'm sorry if this has already been covered I did try searching but couldn't find anything relevant.
Anyway my text messages icon is saying I have messages but I haven't! I've tried turning phone off, restarting and deleting all my messages! But nothing works and it still says I have unread messages!
Any ideas on how to clear this?
Kate :)
I had a similar problem with my old HTC Android phone. It might be something entirely different, but I suggest having a look at "Settings -> Manage SIM card messages" in the Messaging app. You might find that a message in there and, if so, that might be causing the rogue notification.
Had this happen before; it was a problem with my carrier. They reset my mailbox account and everything was fine. Give them a call.
I give up..... Rang them they don't actually reset the mailbox but they did resend settings although the man wasn't convinced that'd work, and it didn't :confused: he did as about the SIM card messages but that's not it either :mad:
Are you actually going into the thread from which the message was received? If you read the text from the notification center or just swype it off this will not get rid of the text notification in the actual messenger app.
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