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Hi team.


Aug 11, 2012
My name is Mark, Im from Boston, Ma.. Following the directions I found here in your forums I was able to root my Wildfire S. Its obviously not the best phone, by far, but after reading about rooting for a few days I learned what the phone is actually capable of. I've never rooted a phone before and it was certainly a serious pain in my ass but I did it! If anyone has any advice for me Id love to hear it as far as which apps I should run for a new guy and what not to do to brick my phone.. I already backed everything up through Titanium Back through bootmode recovery.. I uninstalled some of the crap apps, left My Metro because I read somewhere on here that deleting it makes the phone go nuts.. Anyways, without this forum Im sure I wouldnt have been able to do it so Thanks Guys. I hope Ill keep learning on here !


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