I've done a bit of searching on this topic and the only reference I can find is to the older version of the firmware that allows you to 'hide' googles contacts. I have a TON of emails I've collected over the past several years on my gmail and a handful of contacts I ported over from my Touch Pro.
Now I want to hide the google contacts so that I only see my 'phone' contacts in the people or other contact apps. Whats the best way to go about this?
In quick summary, I do not want to see my google contacts on my phone list. I only want to see phone contacts.
Now I want to hide the google contacts so that I only see my 'phone' contacts in the people or other contact apps. Whats the best way to go about this?
In quick summary, I do not want to see my google contacts on my phone list. I only want to see phone contacts.