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Holding Search Button for Google Voice Gives "Connection Problem"

Anyone else try to use Google Voice by holding down the bottom right search button and it gives you a Connection Problem. This usually happens after I wakeup the device. The search usually still works although sometimes it screws up because the Connection Problem popup makes a sound that the mic picks up.
Got this 3x tonight as well (all in imeediate succession) If you don't at first succeed try, try again.
You beat me to posting this. It's driving me up the *****ng wall!

Mine is not "ocasionally", it is a full 75% of the time, including retries. sometimes it doesnt work even after 5 retries. Sometimes it will pop up the voice search box anyway, other times it won't even do that and just flat out WONT work.
There is no way the droid was tested for more than a day or two. Just too many basic bugs and functionality probs. I love my droid until I pick up my kids ipod touch 2g and am reminded of what polish and speed really is... sad that a device over a year older does email calendar and web significantly better. Sort of irritates me even more when I see these awesome commercials about a device that does, called the droid, but clearly doesnt, yet... Fixes should be released ota as they are made not compiled and released MONTHS later....
I have this everytime I use voice search...I have found if u just keep talking and ignore the so called connection problem then everything should still work and it still picks up what you say...try this out
There is no way the droid was tested for more than a day or two. Just too many basic bugs and functionality probs. I love my droid until I pick up my kids ipod touch 2g and am reminded of what polish and speed really is... sad that a device over a year older does email calendar and web significantly better. Sort of irritates me even more when I see these awesome commercials about a device that does, called the droid, but clearly doesnt, yet... Fixes should be released ota as they are made not compiled and released MONTHS later....

Months?? The device hasn't even been out for ONE month. What about the Touch is better in regards to calendar and web? Sounds like you should have gotten an iPhone if that's how you feel. It only took them 3 years to get MMS working, I can see why you are envious.
Months?? The device hasn't even been out for ONE month. What about the Touch is better in regards to calendar and web? Sounds like you should have gotten an iPhone if that's how you feel. It only took them 3 years to get MMS working, I can see why you are envious.

QFT. I used my buddies iphone and the web browser there is not better than the droids imo. you guys also realize this is probably a bug w/ google voice. and it comes from the market. and it will probably have an update very soon. yeahhhhhhh
Months?? The device hasn't even been out for ONE month. What about the Touch is better in regards to calendar and web? Sounds like you should have gotten an iPhone if that's how you feel. It only took them 3 years to get MMS working, I can see why you are envious.

2G has been out for more than a year and for what it is worth even the 1G in many respects.

From what i understand MMS had nothing to do with the hardware and everything to do with the network. MMS sucks anyway..

Just the fact that you can easily sync outlook by plugging in a USB cable into your compiter where on the droid you can't. The droid you have to setup a relatively complex conduit which is also extremely unsecure. No good or reliable music sync.

No lockscreen music player.
Cant even playback podcasts at 2x speed.
Iphone you can pull up thousands of pics instantly all thumbnailed and swipeable at lightning speed whereas the droid cant even handle hundreds of photos. You scrill the thumbnail list and it cant even keep up the refresh and you cant even swipe the photos much less pinch and zoom.

Web broswing is so much better as well. little to no erroneous link clicking whereas the droid is all over the place and often just makes the whole page highlight orange. Double tap is more intuitive with text formatting on the screen then add pinch to zoom for maximizing image formatting whereas the droid's double tap is often off as well as incremental magnify zoom being nowhere near a replacement for pinch and zoom and is actually worse than Opera on winmo which at least allows fine adjustment to zoom.

I find 95% of the time I use opera mini because it is so much faster anyway and actually workes better on the droid than it did on the hero, winmo or BB devices.

While the Android apps are phenomenal compared to the crap available on winmo they do not hold a candle to the quality and consistency on the Iphone platform.

So yes all else being equal the Iphone pwns the droid by far, its not even close and anyone who thinks so is def delusional, but AT&T and their prices are terrible, so currently the next best thing is the droid. My arguement has always been that the droid could easily have been a real iphone competitor if the people who developed it had included basic features that have now become standard with devices in this class.

I had similar bitches about the Palm Pre, because it is also a potentially phenomenal device but palm put defective/weak radios in all of them, so as a phone you couldnt even make reliable calls because the radio was so flakey. Just total incompetence IMO, Sprint should be suing Palm.
QFT. I used my buddies iphone and the web browser there is not better than the droids imo. you guys also realize this is probably a bug w/ google voice. and it comes from the market. and it will probably have an update very soon. yeahhhhhhh

That is exactly my point.... It is a KEY FEATURE... The proper answer is NOT "it is probably a bug and will probably be fixed" There are tens of millions of dollars in ad buys convincing people that this is the device that does with the implication that the Iphone doesn't. When in fact the key features that are being touted dont even work reliably. That is a MASSIVE FAIL, all it will do is generate temporary sales numbers (gain certain executives and VP's quarterly bonuses and revenue for ad agencies and channels) but in reality will lower consumer confidence in the Verizon and Moto brands.
2G has been out for more than a year and for what it is worth even the 1G in many respects.

From what i understand MMS had nothing to do with the hardware and everything to do with the network. MMS sucks anyway..

Just the fact that you can easily sync outlook by plugging in a USB cable into your compiter where on the droid you can't. The droid you have to setup a relatively complex conduit which is also extremely unsecure. No good or reliable music sync.

No lockscreen music player.
Cant even playback podcasts at 2x speed.
Iphone you can pull up thousands of pics instantly all thumbnailed and swipeable at lightning speed whereas the droid cant even handle hundreds of photos. You scrill the thumbnail list and it cant even keep up the refresh and you cant even swipe the photos much less pinch and zoom.

Web broswing is so much better as well. little to no erroneous link clicking whereas the droid is all over the place and often just makes the whole page highlight orange. Double tap is more intuitive with text formatting on the screen then add pinch to zoom for maximizing image formatting whereas the droid's double tap is often off as well as incremental magnify zoom being nowhere near a replacement for pinch and zoom and is actually worse than Opera on winmo which at least allows fine adjustment to zoom.

I find 95% of the time I use opera mini because it is so much faster anyway and actually workes better on the droid than it did on the hero, winmo or BB devices.

While the Android apps are phenomenal compared to the crap available on winmo they do not hold a candle to the quality and consistency on the Iphone platform.

So yes all else being equal the Iphone pwns the droid by far, its not even close and anyone who thinks so is def delusional, but AT&T and their prices are terrible, so currently the next best thing is the droid. My arguement has always been that the droid could easily have been a real iphone competitor if the people who developed it had included basic features that have now become standard with devices in this class.

I had similar bitches about the Palm Pre, because it is also a potentially phenomenal device but palm put defective/weak radios in all of them, so as a phone you couldnt even make reliable calls because the radio was so flakey. Just total incompetence IMO, Sprint should be suing Palm.

I hate to say it but I agree with you. At very least the features they talk about in the Droid commercials should work flawlessly but they don't, yet. As it stands today I think the Iphone is a better overall product but it has also had a few years to get where it is now. With time the Droid will get better. Hopefully more developers will jump on board and come out with better games and programs to match the quality of the Droid. With enough support I think the Droid could someday pass the Iphone in overall features and quality.
Anyone else try to use Google Voice by holding down the bottom right search button and it gives you a Connection Problem. This usually happens after I wakeup the device. The search usually still works although sometimes it screws up because the Connection Problem popup makes a sound that the mic picks up.

Just so I'm clear on this, you have the latest Google Voice App.

When you are in GV, you hit the hard search button (bottom right off the screen) and hold it down?

How is this different from any other "searches"? I get the same results, so I'm probably doing it wrong from your description.
I hate to say it but I agree with you. At very least the features they talk about in the Droid commercials should work flawlessly but they don't, yet. As it stands today I think the Iphone is a better overall product but it has also had a few years to get where it is now. With time the Droid will get better. Hopefully more developers will jump on board and come out with better games and programs to match the quality of the Droid. With enough support I think the Droid could someday pass the Iphone in overall features and quality.

You clearly weren't on forums when the iphail came out. Although it seems like there are a lot of complaints on forums, everyone is just asking when a question or issue comes up. iphail didn't fix most issues until recently, what is that... over 3years? :laugh:

I see the issues as very tame for a 1 yo OS. It does everything I want it to do and more (me, yes I had iphails and many modern winmo devices).
For me, and seemingly for most people, this happens when you come out of sleep and hit the voice search. I think the phone is still doing some "wake up computing" in the background which doesn't leave enough CPU power for voice search to work. By the second time you hit search the phone is fully woke up.

The only time it happened to me more than once, I was in a 1X very very rural area.
I've had this same issue every now and then also. It still impresses the hell out of me. I just did a voice search for supercalifragilisticexpialidocious and it actually worked!!! It's FM!
The connection issue is getting really annoying. never happened on the hero and doesnt happen on the eris. It happens more often than not even in a full bars 3g area. Seemed to start working if I launched the browser even though i could see 2 way data activity before launching the browser. I even hard reset the droid.

I also notice that sometimes the voice bar that undulates in the graphic does not always show even though it is working.

to the guy who says to keep talking and it still works... it doesnt it recognizes the start of your phrase but cuts off when the error comes up. Its gets even more annoying because when the error comes up and it FAILS it sounds a loud beep.

Im at a party and say "hey let me show you something cool that your iphone cant do.... 5 attempts and fail beeps later... fing droid doesnt.....
You clearly weren't on forums when the iphail came out. Although it seems like there are a lot of complaints on forums, everyone is just asking when a question or issue comes up. iphail didn't fix most issues until recently, what is that... over 3years? :laugh:

I see the issues as very tame for a 1 yo OS. It does everything I want it to do and more (me, yes I had iphails and many modern winmo devices).

Your right, I wasnt on the forums when iphone came out because I never bought one. I like verizons service too much to jump ship.The closest I came was an Itouch. Dont get me wrong, I love the Droid. I love what it can do now and what it is capable to do with updates and developer support. I just think the key features of the device and the features they push on their commercials should work without fail out of the box. There are alot of basic complaints to be fixed and verizon/motorola/google are on the right track with such a quick update on Dec. 11. I do believe the iphone right now is still a better product (device only, not service) but it has had a 3 year head start. It doesnt mean that the Droid cant be better at some point. I dont care if you agree with me. I'm just
stating my opinion.
believe the iphone right now is still a better product (device only, not service) but it has had a 3 year head start. It doesnt mean that the Droid cant be better at some point. I dont care if you agree with me. I'm just
stating my opinion.

3 year head start is not really a good excuse at all. moto and most other competing manufacturers have at least a decade or more experience in building handsets. Apple rocks their world and sets new standards in what is expected in a "smart" handset yet with all their "experience" these handset makers cant get it right. Moto created the famous Six Sigma quality improvement process, yet they fail at it.

Again, it's not asking these guys to make something new or cutting edge, just something comparable to the new standard that works or even improves upon. HTC is getting closer, but as in the pitiful winmo space it seems like HTC is dragging Google along as well.

As great as google is, they are the jack of all trades master of some. There are an endless array of half assed incomplete google projects out there. Its like a kid with too many toys, who plays with them all a little but never fully utilizes them and in the end the room is just an Fing mess. In many ways it's like a bad Montessori experiment on adults.
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