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Homeless, looking for right phone


Well-Known Member
well i planned to get the g2x this week, but today my parents are saying they are gonna take me back to the homeless shelter tomorrow.

(i dont have a job anymore and suffer from depression/anxiety so we fight alot at home and they took me to the homeless shelter few weeks ago and i stayed tehre for 2 weeks but got them to take me back)

i looked in my bank and all together i have $302.46

so i am thinking of just going with virgin mobiles 149$ LG optimus V, and just rockin the 35$ unlim txt, data, 300min.

right now i have the motorla i1 from boost, (same as teh t-mobile comet i think) but its android plan is 55$ a month and i cant afford tat.

does that sound like a good idea? i know the optimus isnt a hi-end android, but i need android in my life tbh, cuz my life is so bad android and internet and talking to people is what keeps me going.
i looked in my bank and all together i have $302.46

does that sound like a good idea?

Dude, seriously? It sounds like you have bigger things to be worrying rather than what phone you have. How long does $300 last on $50 a month? What are you going to do when that's gone? Do you have health insurance through your state or anything? How old are you? You need to get other things in order before you worry about a phone.
Dude, seriously? It sounds like you have bigger things to be worrying rather than what phone you have. How long does $300 last on $50 a month? What are you going to do when that's gone? Do you have health insurance through your state or anything? How old are you? You need to get other things in order before you worry about a phone.

well i was hoping id just rock the 35$ a month plan

im 22 no job no insurance :S

tryign to file for disability atm
You may want to save your money for food and quarters to do laundry....I agree with the others, you need to get your life together not buy a phone. I also have suffered from depression, and have lived in a homeless shelter...there just comes a time when you have to suck it up and take care of yourself even though you are depressed...
GEtting a new phone isnt going to get you out of your depression.dont have a job then drop the cell phone and save your money. If you cant afford the $55 a month. What makes you think you can afford the $35 as your only saving $20 a month but losing more for having to pay for a phone. I guess the fights with your parents is over you looking for a job?

I just lost my job due to a layoff and monday morning I am going out to find another job. Jobs just aing going to fall in your lap.
Buy the cheapest plan you can get and the free phone that goes with it. Then go get a job, get yourself together, and then, once you are back on your feet, THEN worry about which phone to get. I've been where you are (except for the homeless shelter part), I had to take the entire month of June off from work on Medical Leave of Absence because the stress of my job and home life had me in a deep, dark pit of depression and anxiety, and I was suicidal a couple times. I've been pulling myself back up, though, and my phone had absolutely nothing to do with it. Only reason I even suggest getting a free cell phone is so you have a number you can easily use to give to potential employers and to make calls about finding a job. Shopping for a cell phone won't get you paid.
You're going to a homeless shelter, the last thing you should be thinking about is what phone you should be rockin....

I know it's hard to consider what you need to do in the future when the future looks rough but it's what separates the survivors and those that let their emotions do them in. Give your parents ALL of what money you have left (for rent and food for the next month or the past month), tell them that you want to look for a seasonal retail job (yes retail sucks but I can't imagine it sucks worse than living at a homeless shelter) and ask them to be patient with you and also realize that you're living in THEIR home so their rules apply.
well i planned to get the g2x this week, but today my parents are saying they are gonna take me back to the homeless shelter tomorrow.

(i dont have a job anymore and suffer from depression/anxiety so we fight alot at home and they took me to the homeless shelter few weeks ago and i stayed tehre for 2 weeks but got them to take me back)

i looked in my bank and all together i have $302.46

so i am thinking of just going with virgin mobiles 149$ LG optimus V, and just rockin the 35$ unlim txt, data, 300min.

right now i have the motorla i1 from boost, (same as teh t-mobile comet i think) but its android plan is 55$ a month and i cant afford tat.

does that sound like a good idea? i know the optimus isnt a hi-end android, but i need android in my life tbh, cuz my life is so bad android and internet and talking to people is what keeps me going.

Many people have offered solid advice in this thread, but what good is a cell phone if you don't have service??

First thing you need to do is find a crash pad. It doesn't have to be nice. If you smell bad nobody is going to hire you. Many people rent rooms for cheap, and there are places called SRO's (Single Room Occupancy) That can run as little as $300 per month, all utilities included. Take the money you have, get into a place to live. Then you'll have a month to find a job, and make some money. I would try to make some sort of arrangement with your parents so that at least they can help you out for one more month, and help you get on your own with one of these very affordable places. They are not very nice places, but most of them are respectable and clean for a fair low price. If you need any other tips ask me, PM me, I don't care. I have lots of real world experience and I was in a similar situation as you when I was younger about 10 years ago. Now I am just finishing up a second degree, have my own purchased home, several Android devices(:D:D) and money in the bank, and a decent daily driver and a nicer car. All it takes is a bit of hard work. Depression is in your head, and all you need is willpower to break free. Trust me, been there, done that.

I'm here to help.
I dont think we are getting the whole story here. For ones parents to just abandon you. It must be something severe like an addiction or something. So what is the reason why your parents are abandoning you. It sounds like you don't have your priorities straight.
I dont think we are getting the whole story here. For ones parents to just abandon you. It must be something severe like an addiction or something. So what is the reason why your parents are abandoning you. It sounds like you don't have your priorities straight.

First off, there really are parents who just abandon their children out there. It happens every day. His parents have their own story to tell, I'm sure, but the bottom line is that the basic situation is the same, regardless of the circumstances, which are really none of our business.
Depression is in your head, and all you need is willpower to break free.

I wished more people felt this way. Instead we have a society that wants a pill for everything. "Are you depressed? We have a pill for that!" "Are you fat? We have a pill for that too!" "Are you unable to get it up? Guess what, we have a pill for that too!" Too many times people look to a pill to fix things.

OP, try to work out your differences with your parents. I know it's hard to swallow your pride but otherwise you're looking at a homeless shelter. And I know retail work sucks, but that's the industry hiring right now for the holidays. Another suggestion is tomorrow on NBC at 9:00pm CST they claim to know where in the country people are hiring guaranteeing a big salary. You might consider tuning in. And most importantly, keep a positive attitude and that includes not drinking your sorrows away or worse. Good luck!
Depression is in your head, and all you need is willpower to break free.

Actually it's low Serotonin levels within the brain that causes depression, I'm studying it for Neurological Rehab and I also have depression myself, have done for over 5 years or more, it will get better I promise.

They use the pills Serotonin Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitor
(SNRI) mostly because it evaluates the dopamine and replaces the low serotonin levels. This then reduces the severity of the depression symptoms.

I've been were you are with phones...(had 3 contracts running at one stage at the same time) and that feeling of getting a new phone afterwards. It's not worth it to be debt. Just ride your current phone out till you get back on your feet and get a job and then get the phone you actually want and then you want have that large looming debt feeling hanging over you.

Just hold off for a while is my advice
well i planned to get the g2x this week, but today my parents are saying they are gonna take me back to the homeless shelter tomorrow.

(i dont have a job anymore and suffer from depression/anxiety so we fight alot at home and they took me to the homeless shelter few weeks ago and i stayed tehre for 2 weeks but got them to take me back)

i looked in my bank and all together i have $302.46

so i am thinking of just going with virgin mobiles 149$ LG optimus V, and just rockin the 35$ unlim txt, data, 300min.

right now i have the motorla i1 from boost, (same as teh t-mobile comet i think) but its android plan is 55$ a month and i cant afford tat.

does that sound like a good idea? i know the optimus isnt a hi-end android, but i need android in my life tbh, cuz my life is so bad android and internet and talking to people is what keeps me going.

Wow buddy :(

I really am sorry your parents are taking you to a homeless shelter buddy.

I have no idea what to say.


Trust me, I sort of know what it is like to be down in the dumps, I failed Grade 11 i think it was 4 times now or repeated 4 times.

I forgot my name at one point it was that bad, I had a serious serious mental breakdown.

I only got a Matric at 21 and I am proud of myself of where I am today. And I still have problems every now and then.

We all have problems in life man,

But do you want to know what I did instead of giving in and giving up?

I persevered like crazy and decided I AM NOT GONNA GIVE UP.

I said: I am NOT gonna give in!!!

"Never say Die!" was my favourite saying and still is one of my favourtites today.

I just kept on going and going and going.

But I do agree with the others, you really need to get out of this predicament you are in and not buy a cell phone.

That is not what you should be focusing on right now

Have you ever heard of a very very famous South African Richard Maponya?

I looked for a photo just for you my friend :)


He is my role model and think he is just an amazing no he is a very amazing man.

Richard Maponya - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Despite Apartheid and despite being born in a very very poor family he became a multi multi millionare and that is just absoultely mind boggling!!

I am sure if you try hard enough you will do wonders for humanity too my friend :)

You just got to work hard at it!

I really do wish you well, and I hope you will change your mind about buying a new cell phone

I wish you well and God bless you my friend ;)

You can do anything if you really try.

Best Regards

well i planned to get the g2x this week, but today my parents are saying they are gonna take me back to the homeless shelter tomorrow.

(i dont have a job anymore and suffer from depression/anxiety so we fight alot at home and they took me to the homeless shelter few weeks ago and i stayed tehre for 2 weeks but got them to take me back)

i looked in my bank and all together i have $302.46

so i am thinking of just going with virgin mobiles 149$ LG optimus V, and just rockin the 35$ unlim txt, data, 300min.

right now i have the motorla i1 from boost, (same as teh t-mobile comet i think) but its android plan is 55$ a month and i cant afford tat.

does that sound like a good idea? i know the optimus isnt a hi-end android, but i need android in my life tbh, cuz my life is so bad android and internet and talking to people is what keeps me going.

I have thanked you because I think you needed a boost ;)

And decided not to thank anyone else because I thought that might just make you more depressed even further.

If you ever need to speak to me, have chat or just need to get something off your chest my door is always open. :)

I have enabled "Receive Email Notifications of New Private Messages" just encase of an emergency for you ;)

But If I am sleeping I hope you understand I cannot answer then.

I wish you well! :)

Keep well my friend

Best Regards :)

Depression is in your head, and all you need is willpower to break free.

Actually it's low Serotonin levels within the brain that causes depression, I'm studying it for Neurological Rehab and I also have depression myself, have done for over 5 years or more, it will get better I promise.

The low Serotonin levels could also be a by-product of the depression. I know that regular exercise can help regulate the brain's chemistry so your statement might be like saying "Excessive fat causes people to be overweight and obese."
The range of responses to the OP's plight are pretty close to what I hear at the Mission and when moving some of those needing transportation around town, getting them to the Mission or other facility, etc.

Compassion to disgust (although, happily, there is little if any of that negative extreme expressed here in this thread).

I still think that compassion is the natural human response in us all, no matter what words end up coming out of us toward people in dire straights and/or in trouble. I feel like I detect an effort on the part of the "tough" responses to keep their distance.

The real challenge is to get into the details of each homeless person's life.. the real stuff, and to then take the next step with them.
The range of responses to the OP's plight are pretty close to what I hear at the Mission and when moving some of those needing transportation around town, getting them to the Mission or other facility, etc.

Compassion to disgust (although, happily, there is little if any of that negative extreme expressed here in this thread).

I still think that compassion is the natural human response in us all, no matter what words end up coming out of us toward people in dire straights and/or in trouble. I feel like I detect an effort on the part of the "tough" responses to keep their distance.

The real challenge is to get into the details of each homeless person's life.. the real stuff, and to then take the next step with them.

It's hard for me to show compassion in this instance when the OP is facing adversity but his priorities are "What phone should I get?" To me it demonstrates a disconnect by the OP to what's going on with his life, which sadly may be the reason that his parents are deciding that they can no longer assist him. I think compassion and coddling is appropriate once someone has decided to make the positive changes they need in order to get back up on their feet. I find it difficult to reinforce negative behavior with coddling but I do hope the OP finds it within himself to get through this tough time in his life.

Having said that, a new phone isn't going to help his situation. If he's worried about potential employers calling him then the best thing to do right now is to give out a friend's number to prospective employers (someone that can get in touch with him easily) so that they can contact him if an opportunity should present itself. The other option is to find a job that will generate some form of revenue for the time being. One thing to keep in mind right now is the OP may not be thinking clearly because his emotion has paralyzed him and sometimes even the most obvious decision can elude you.
It's hard for me to show compassion in this instance when the OP is facing adversity but his priorities are "What phone should I get?" To me it demonstrates a disconnect by the OP to what's going on with his life, which sadly may be the reason that his parents are deciding that they can no longer assist him. I think compassion and coddling is appropriate once someone has decided to make the positive changes they need in order to get back up on their feet. I find it difficult to reinforce negative behavior with coddling but I do hope the OP finds it within himself to get through this tough time in his life.

Having said that, a new phone isn't going to help his situation. If he's worried about potential employers calling him then the best thing to do right now is to give out a friend's number to prospective employers (someone that can get in touch with him easily) so that they can contact him if an opportunity should present itself. The other option is to find a job that will generate some form of revenue for the time being. One thing to keep in mind right now is the OP may not be thinking clearly because his emotion has paralyzed him and sometimes even the most obvious decision can elude you.

You've got just as much compassion as me or anybody else. The situation being cited has triggered your compassion enough to the point of clicking in to the thread more than once in an effort to help in your own way.

Lack of compassion would be ugly. Very ugly, I've seen it, and you're not showing lack of compassion, just your own way of trying to help, is how I take it.

As far as the priorities of the OP, they're fine. As a matter of fact, most cities have cell phone giveaways to shelters and battered spouses, etc, as one of the very first things in the chain of assistance the homeless has available to them.

They're essential these days, as phone booths vanish and the client just needs to communicate first and foremost as they work their way out of their situation gradually.
From a purely financial perspective, the OP is talking about spending half of all the money he has on a cell phone. I think if I or anyone else on here asked if we should spend half of our net worth on a cell phone people would tell us we needed to think twice about that.

IMO the OP needs to focus on himself and his problems with depression rather than what kind of phone to buy. Don't worry about the phone. Fix yourself first. That should be the priority.
Sento, the postings in this folder generally shows that you are not alone. In your initial post, you've commented on the things that help you make it through the day. Communication and reaching out seem to be the common between a phone and forum participation..

Some really good advice given in this thread, I cant think of anything more to add except, "communicate" with your parents. If you find the words too hard to say, well, ask them to read your folder you have started here on the forum. They may not "know" fully what you are going through or contemplating... Right now, you at a rough crossroads where some decisions have to me made ., and , like Stinky said.....dont give in and do not give up, man.

Maybe your parents reading some of what others are sharing, and they read your own words, could provide some insight would open up a line of talking things out, help each of you draw closer and see what each can do to help the other live life.

Time's too short, times are rough all over, nothing wrong with grown children living at home with parents or parents moving in wi th children these days.. Try and pull together, work it out with them, if you can keep the peace, stay home, get some assistance with depression (finding a job is one major boost to feeling better about yourself) . Take steps , one at a time, ok? It can and will work out....now, get that new-fangled phone later, but do get something cheap for interviews and asic communication...
thanks for the support everyone

more information on the situation is this basicaly

i been suffering from my anxiety/depression for quite a few years now and my parents arent bad parents, they have taken me to the best doctors and therapists around the world, and even when my insurance was rejected they spent over 120k for my treatments which includes meds, hospitilizations, appointments, etc.

basicaly im not showing any improvement im only getting worse and they just dont know what to do with me anymore everyday we fight and i cry and stuff so lotta tension at home.

and also i have quit every job i have ever had within months, in 2008-2009 i moved out and got a aprment, but after like 2 months i couldnt handle the job and quit and then got like a couple more jobs but in the end i didnt make enough money and parents had to pay most the rent and stuff.

inside it hink i have given up cuz i just cant take life anymore, i thought of going to college agian, but i just cant see myself doing anything anymore, my soicialworker suggested i file for disability i think thats the best option for me.

idk if they are taking me to the shelter today they just kinda stopped tlaking to me after i came home last night, im using the library computer now.
thanks for the support everyone

more information on the situation is this basicaly

i been suffering from my anxiety/depression for quite a few years now and my parents arent bad parents, they have taken me to the best doctors and therapists around the world, and even when my insurance was rejected they spent over 120k for my treatments which includes meds, hospitilizations, appointments, etc.

basicaly im not showing any improvement im only getting worse and they just dont know what to do with me anymore everyday we fight and i cry and stuff so lotta tension at home.

and also i have quit every job i have ever had within months, in 2008-2009 i moved out and got a aprment, but after like 2 months i couldnt handle the job and quit and then got like a couple more jobs but in the end i didnt make enough money and parents had to pay most the rent and stuff.

inside it hink i have given up cuz i just cant take life anymore, i thought of going to college agian, but i just cant see myself doing anything anymore, my soicialworker suggested i file for disability i think thats the best option for me.

idk if they are taking me to the shelter today they just kinda stopped tlaking to me after i came home last night, im using the library computer now.

Wow! :(

I am sorry I had no idea :(

Just try to relax and don't do anything rash okay? :)

I am going to PM (Private Message you) for some support.

I beg you to not do any thing rash okay?

Can you keep that promise for me? :)

Wait one second and try your best

Hang on!
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