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Homeless, looking for right phone

Wow! :(

I am sorry I had no idea :(

Just try to relax and don't do anything rash okay? :)

I am going to PM (Private Message you) for some support.

I beg you to not do any thing rash okay?

Can you keep that promise for me? :)

Wait one second and try your best

Hang on!

nah man u dont have to worry bout me - im too much of a coward to kill my self lol.

just get really frustrated with life and thinking of phones and stuff works as a good distraction
Also, a lot of states have State-sponsored phones now where they give you a certain amount of minutes per month, you may want to look into that. This would give you a phone for emergencies, contact by potential employers, things like that. They're not great phones by any means but it's a phone.
As someone who's been through a similar situation and also someone who always wants to have great electronics, it's hard.
nah man u dont have to worry bout me - im too much of a coward to kill my self lol.

just get really frustrated with life and thinking of phones and stuff works as a good distraction


Well done :)

That is very good information to hear and I am sure you can get your self back up and running soon. :)

Just take it easy my friend, I thought of a nice video for you! :)

I tried my best to think of something wonderful to help you ;)

I hope you enjoy!

Mattafix - Big City Life - YouTube

"Don't let the system get you down"
Actually it's low Serotonin levels within the brain that causes depression, I'm studying it for Neurological Rehab and I also have depression myself, have done for over 5 years or more, it will get better I promise.

They use the pills Serotonin Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitor
(SNRI) mostly because it evaluates the dopamine and replaces the low serotonin levels. This then reduces the severity of the depression symptoms.

I've been were you are with phones...(had 3 contracts running at one stage at the same time) and that feeling of getting a new phone afterwards. It's not worth it to be debt. Just ride your current phone out till you get back on your feet and get a job and then get the phone you actually want and then you want have that large looming debt feeling hanging over you.

Just hold off for a while is my advice

And what causes the low serotonin levels? Everybody wants a pill for everything and that's exactly how big pharma likes it. That is exactly the reason why all we see is billions of dollars spent on TREATMENTS rather than CURES because TREATMENTS are profitable long term.

The OP doesn't need any pills. This is pure mind over matter. There are natural, scientifically proven ways to regulate brain chemistry and bodily functions, and exercise is one of the best ways to do that. Also, what a person eats also can have certain effects on a bodies chemistry.

But I digress.

Sento, you need to work through this, and you're never alone. Have you ever come to your parents with your problems and how you feel? Why you are the way you are?

Do you eat healthy foods on a regular basis?
Iowa, we cant say that mind over matter is 100% "everyones" diagnosis when it come to these serious circumstanes. While its true, medicine can be a money maker, there are still pbysicians and pharmacies true to the profession that sincerely help patients get through the storms in their lives. Yes, sometimes it may require the right therapy, treatment and medicine , customed to the individual's need.

Julliennes studies habe shown through her comment that sbe even recognizes this neeed and her observation for medical analysis , due to her college course, seem to be in the right direction for the next generation of medical research and therapy that knows what causes certain imbalances and wht treatment is need to restore.. We are not perfect and we cannot expect our minds to mend toe body when there is a physical , mental and medical need for assistance.
Iowa, we cant say that mind over matter is 100% "everyones" diagnosis when it come to these serious circumstanes. While its true, medicine can be a money maker, there are still pbysicians and pharmacies true to the profession that sincerely help patients get through the storms in their lives. Yes, sometimes it may require the right therapy, treatment and medicine , customed to the individual's need.

Julliennes studies habe shown through her comment that sbe even recognizes this neeed and her observation for medical analysis , due to her college course, seem to be in the right direction for the next generation of medical research and therapy that knows what causes certain imbalances and wht treatment is need to restore.. We are not perfect and we cannot expect our minds to mend toe body when there is a physical , mental and medical need for assistance.

Of course mind over matter won't fix everything, that's a given. But most of the times we have to realize most of what's wrong with us.. we did it to ourselves by not taking care of ourselves. What's next, claiming being fat is a medical condition because we can't put the fork down?
And what causes the low serotonin levels? Everybody wants a pill for everything and that's exactly how big pharma likes it. That is exactly the reason why all we see is billions of dollars spent on TREATMENTS rather than CURES because TREATMENTS are profitable long term.

The OP doesn't need any pills. This is pure mind over matter. There are natural, scientifically proven ways to regulate brain chemistry and bodily functions, and exercise is one of the best ways to do that. Also, what a person eats also can have certain effects on a bodies chemistry.

But I digress.

Sento, you need to work through this, and you're never alone. Have you ever come to your parents with your problems and how you feel? Why you are the way you are?

Do you eat healthy foods on a regular basis?

As a person who has dealt with depression a few times in my life, and having come from a father who lived his entire life in a depressed state, I can tell you firsthand that seratonin levels must be regulated, either by the body regulating itself, or by medical intervention. It is often times the difference between life, and death, but more often, it is the difference between becoming functional in a world where you can live a normal, productive, and even happy life.
And what causes the low serotonin levels? Everybody wants a pill for everything and that's exactly how big pharma likes it.

"Everybody" is a pretty encompassing word to use.

The extravagant pricing by pharmaceutical companies is certainly a huge issue, but not the actual research and medications they are coming up with.

The marketing of the meds has become nearly shameful in similar ways we see cosmetics and automobiles etc marketed: "if you don't have this you're not a whole person."

But low levels of various important chemicals in the human system can be caused by myriad things, most of those things completely out of the control of the person with the diagnosis. It is downright cruel to put forth a "you did it to yourself" rag on people in those situations and with those conditions, just as it is when we hear "you brought it on yourself" when a person is raped.

It's complicated. And a parallel epidemic with depression is the tendency to blame the victim. What's interesting about that tendency is its rejection by those on the road to recovery, while it being another recognized symptom of depression in the sickest of them: the more deeply depressed an individual is, the more likely they are to blame themselves.
I was actually going to watch that 30 Rock Center show just to see what they thought was this big job producing state that guaranteed a great salary. I figured it had something to do with the oil industry and sure enough. Below is the link and a quote from the page.

Rock Center with Brian Williams - Now hiring: North Dakota oil boom creates thousands of jobs

Those hurt hard by the ailing economy are flocking to Williston, N.D., where an oil boom has turned a sleepy prairie town into a place producing thousands of jobs.

"There's opportunity here and that's what we all need is opportunity," said Williston Mayor Ward Koeser. "It's kind of been an oasis for the country. You know, there's a lot of jobs here, good paying jobs in the oil industry."

Williston is situated on the Bakken formation, an oil field that some say will produce the biggest boom in North America since the 1960s. Koeser said that his town currently has 2,000 to 3000 jobs and they haven't been able to fill the openings fast enough.

"A lot of jobs get filled every day, but it's like for every job you fill, another job and a half opens up," Koeser said.

A job on an oil rig can pay as much as six figures. The starting salary for truck drivers is around $80,000. While the nation's unemployment rate is 9.1 percent, Williston's unemployment rate is less than 1 percent.

Oh, and 1 story they talk about, a guy hitchhiked to the state with $13.00 in his pocket and said he was hoping to make his daughter proud again.
Julliennes studies habe shown through her comment that sbe even recognizes this neeed and her observation for medical analysis , due to her college course, seem to be in the right direction for the next generation of medical research and therapy that knows what causes certain imbalances and wht treatment is need to restore.

Thanks Rico Android, I was only offering my knowledge through studying this semester about this to the OP to describe what happens with depression with the chemistry in the brain so he could understand on the medical side what was going on.. that was all. It wasn't intended as a push for medications or anything else.

If you need to chat OP, you can PM me anytime :)
well i planned to get the g2x this week, but today my parents are saying they are gonna take me back to the homeless shelter tomorrow.

(i dont have a job anymore and suffer from depression/anxiety so we fight alot at home and they took me to the homeless shelter few weeks ago and i stayed tehre for 2 weeks but got them to take me back)

i looked in my bank and all together i have $302.46

so i am thinking of just going with virgin mobiles 149$ LG optimus V, and just rockin the 35$ unlim txt, data, 300min.

right now i have the motorla i1 from boost, (same as teh t-mobile comet i think) but its android plan is 55$ a month and i cant afford tat.

does that sound like a good idea? i know the optimus isnt a hi-end android, but i need android in my life tbh, cuz my life is so bad android and internet and talking to people is what keeps me going.

Hey! :)

Just thought of another video for you my friend :)

Tubthumping (I Get Knocked Down) Lyrics - YouTube


Keep well dude :)
Hey! :)

Just thought of another video for you my friend :)[Hide]Tubthumping (I Get Knocked Down) Lyrics - YouTube[/Hide]


Keep well dude :)

Excellent selection and motivating song , Stinky, we all do get knocied down occassionally. And it great, when we have friends and family support to see our inner selves and help us get ourselves back on our feet.

If we have no one else to lean on, hopefully some strength could come from forum discussions like AF where someone may help the on in need with just the right info that would direct them to their local agencies or services for that helping hand.
well i planned to get the g2x this week, but today my parents are saying they are gonna take me back to the homeless shelter tomorrow.

(i dont have a job anymore and suffer from depression/anxiety so we fight alot at home and they took me to the homeless shelter few weeks ago and i stayed tehre for 2 weeks but got them to take me back)

i looked in my bank and all together i have $302.46

so i am thinking of just going with virgin mobiles 149$ LG optimus V, and just rockin the 35$ unlim txt, data, 300min.

right now i have the motorla i1 from boost, (same as teh t-mobile comet i think) but its android plan is 55$ a month and i cant afford tat.

does that sound like a good idea? i know the optimus isnt a hi-end android, but i need android in my life tbh, cuz my life is so bad android and internet and talking to people is what keeps me going.

Homeless with 300.00 in the bank? Go-Phone or one of the other sub-fifteen dollar phones. You only need the phone and no web or much anything else. Use it to find a job and save your money.

Only the wealthy can afford to spend fifty percent of their total wealth on a luxury they do not need. Did you consider that? You want to spend half of what you have on something you do not need.

Sorry for your problems, but you DO NOT NEED a plus hundred dollar phone. Settle for pre-paid offerings.

At this point, those Friends and the net ain't likely gonna help you. If you need the net, try the library. Save every penny.
its good t know so mny care here i thought everyone kept to thenselvs but its like a big family everyone cares

dont sweat it dude take it day by day i was kicked out as a HS freshman due to bad grades my amazing english teacher took me in for a while till my grades came up

Josh Groban - You Are Loved [Don't Give Up] (Video) - YouTube

another tribute song for ya my english teacher showed me it when i was at my worst
Sento, there's not much that I can say that hasn't been said already. You stated in a post that you had a hard time keeping a job down. Was it because these were jobs that you weren't interested in and got bored? This is just an idea, but it seems that you love phones/Android and I would think if you read Android sites, you're knowledgeable with Android. Have you ever thought of working for one of the carriers? I mean, you'll be able to enjoy your Android :)

Check out this thread on one of our member's experience working for Verizon:

I sell phones through a local verizon retailer, and honestly the best advice I can give, is start looking for a new job as soon as you can. the biggest issue I've had is that with commision you'll make decent money but you get very little benefits, no promotional abilities (usually) and its not good experience for most fields. Im stuck right now because I want a new job but I make too much money here and the jobs im more interested in wont pay nearly as well. My other co-workers are also in the same situation.

Honestly though other than that I love my job, yes customers suck sometimes but shrug off the rude customers, you'll get some wicked nice people that really make you day and make you love the job. Plus its fun always seeing the newest tech.

One of the nice things about cell phones compared to regular sales is it's harder to find yourself in a rut of boredum, it's always changing and no 2 customers are the same so you really have to be on your toes and listening to your customers. If I could give you one bit of advice that I feel has helped me more than anything else, is try to actually be all of your customers friends, don;t just worry about your sale and making money, find a topic you and your customer both enjoy and talk about it. after 5-10 minutes of conversation you'll know enough about the person to sell them a phone without it being salesy
You have touched me with your post. I worked at a shelter until a week ago. I recommend you go with Virgin's cheapest Android. You wont be able to stream YouTube smoothly, but the Web comes in super handy for scouring craigslist for research study opportunities, as many of my clients have done, and it provides instant access to emails from recruiters. So ignore everyone who has suggested you not get an Android, as its benefits are twofold: a. It will give you peace of mind during a traumatic period of life for you, always a good thing, and b. An Android will provide a nice income for you as long as you visit craigslist DAILY. Do not give up on life, the money you earn due to your Android will make you happier, apply for food stamps and welfare, your parents are TERRIBLE (mine kicked me out at 17), save up your money through the studies, rent a sro or negotiate a way to move back home when you've saved up 1000, and pm me to chat, really, I have much more to talk to you about. I am very sad for you but its not the end of the world. The shelter is not that bad a place to live, as you probably already know, just keep your head up and you will meet many nice people, just stay away from the addicts and socialize with the ones with laptops.

Edit: may I ask what city youre in? Consider taking a greyhound to sf. Ask your parents to pay for it. You will never go hungry a day in your life (the social services here include free daily meals, from multiple organizations, multiple times a day. Really, a third of our homeless are overweight), you are automatically waitlisted for an sro, there are many free public wifi hotspots for months you havent paid your virgin bill, and shelters here provide showers and laundry free of charge. We have peiple working fulltime who stay in the shelters just to save on housing costs. PM me please, it seems respondents to your post so far dont really understand that being homeless is neither permanent nor life ending, nor will it mean you will be malnourished. That leaves happiness to be attended to, and an Android with a connection accomplishes just that, as well as attending to productivity in the form of sfbay.craigslist.org.
You have touched me with your post. I worked at a shelter until a week ago. I recommend you go with Virgin's cheapest Android. You wont be able to stream YouTube smoothly, but the Web comes in super handy for scouring craigslist for research study opportunities, as many of my clients have done, and it provides instant access to emails from recruiters. So ignore everyone who has suggested you not get an Android, as its benefits are twofold: a. It will give you peace of mind during a traumatic period of life for you, always a good thing, and b. An Android will provide a nice income for you as long as you visit craigslist DAILY. Do not give up on life, the money you earn due to your Android will make you happier, apply for food stamps and welfare, your parents are TERRIBLE (mine kicked me out at 17), save up your money through the studies, rent a sro or negotiate a way to move back home when you've saved up 1000, and pm me to chat, really, I have much more to talk to you about. I am very sad for you but its not the end of the world. The shelter is not that bad a place to live, as you probably already know, just keep your head up and you will meet many nice people, just stay away from the addicts and socialize with the ones with laptops.

Edit: may I ask what city youre in? Consider taking a greyhound to sf. Ask your parents to pay for it. You will never go hungry a day in your life (the social services here include free daily meals, from multiple organizations, multiple times a day. Really, a third of our homeless are overweight), you are automatically waitlisted for an sro, there are many free public wifi hotspots for months you havent paid your virgin bill, and shelters here provide showers and laundry free of charge. We have peiple working fulltime who stay in the shelters just to save on housing costs. PM me please, it seems respondents to your post so far dont really understand that being homeless is neither permanent nor life ending, nor will it mean you will be malnourished. That leaves happiness to be attended to, and an Android with a connection accomplishes just that, as well as attending to productivity in the form of sfbay.craigslist.org.
I just wanted to say, that I was on my own too at 17, and I have also struggled with homelessness (and yes I was well fed). The only way I was able to get out of the shelter, and straighten out my life, was to stop playing the poor me card, and start taking care of myself instead of expecting others to do it for me. I have dealt with major depression and anxiety too, but ultimately it is mind over matter, you have to make a decision to do stuff to support your self even if you don't want to. That is what being an adult is. The op is 22, not a child. I know it may sound harsh, but I know what I am talking about, because I went through it. I was homeless 2 different times, and even spent some time in hospitals for my depression and anxiety. My son was murdered by his father, and although many say "oh, poor you" and would not give me much grief if I decided to just stay stuck, I finally figured out that getting happy and stable means doing stuff you don't want to do, like getting a job, or going back to school, or paying bills....good luck to the op, it is hard, but I know you can do it. Instead of using an Android to look at craigslist go to the library everyday to use their computers, and save your money.
Im very sorry about your son, and happy that you got in your feet on your own. Its true that the OP could use library PCs and a cheap prepaid phone, many follow this route. I have found though that those with laptops seem to spend day and night on them, and one can only imagine how productive that could be, compared to libraries that limit usage to an hour (in sf). The beauty of androids is that its like an ultra cheap laptop, which you can pay for service for or not, and a phone in one. All one would need to do is complete one study to pay for it, and then spend the remainder of the month applying for jobs, which ultimately is what needs to be done. Imagine now how fast you could reply to potential recruiters of studies or employers with a smartphone on hand. Oftentimes these opportunities are first come first serve. It would be much more convenient for the unmotivated to go this route, and would also serve as entertainment in shelter life. so since its agreeable that at least a prepaid phone is vital to get back on his feet, it might be worthy to invest slightly more for a prepaid android (metro sells huaweis for under 50, and are 40/mo. w/ unlimited 3g) for all the added benefits mentioned. But the library route plus even cheaper dumbphone is certainly a viable option. At this point it is up to the OP to figure out what his best move its, and I wish him all the luck in the world, sincerely.
Hey Sento, how are you man? Everything is going OK with you? Are you staying at the Shelter right now? Did you get that Android phone.

Did you see my post on working with a carrier?

Hope everything is going well with you. I see you posting around the forums, so I take that as a good sign from you :)
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