You have touched me with your post. I worked at a shelter until a week ago. I recommend you go with Virgin's cheapest Android. You wont be able to stream YouTube smoothly, but the Web comes in super handy for scouring craigslist for research study opportunities, as many of my clients have done, and it provides instant access to emails from recruiters. So ignore everyone who has suggested you not get an Android, as its benefits are twofold: a. It will give you peace of mind during a traumatic period of life for you, always a good thing, and b. An Android will provide a nice income for you as long as you visit craigslist DAILY. Do not give up on life, the money you earn due to your Android will make you happier, apply for food stamps and welfare, your parents are TERRIBLE (mine kicked me out at 17), save up your money through the studies, rent a sro or negotiate a way to move back home when you've saved up 1000, and pm me to chat, really, I have much more to talk to you about. I am very sad for you but its not the end of the world. The shelter is not that bad a place to live, as you probably already know, just keep your head up and you will meet many nice people, just stay away from the addicts and socialize with the ones with laptops.
Edit: may I ask what city youre in? Consider taking a greyhound to sf. Ask your parents to pay for it. You will never go hungry a day in your life (the social services here include free daily meals, from multiple organizations, multiple times a day. Really, a third of our homeless are overweight), you are automatically waitlisted for an sro, there are many free public wifi hotspots for months you havent paid your virgin bill, and shelters here provide showers and laundry free of charge. We have peiple working fulltime who stay in the shelters just to save on housing costs. PM me please, it seems respondents to your post so far dont really understand that being homeless is neither permanent nor life ending, nor will it mean you will be malnourished. That leaves happiness to be attended to, and an Android with a connection accomplishes just that, as well as attending to productivity in the form of