Isn't this a different question, one S5 to another? Or did you mean "one phone to another"? And what do you mean by "completely clone"? As I would understand that phrase (the operating system, all apps, all accounts, all data of every sort) none of them can do it, but I suspect you mean something more limited (I'd be certain except you did say "one S5 to another", in which case my literal interpretation is possible).
Android File Transfer can only copy the contents of the user-visible part of the internal storage (and possibly SD card, I've never tried that). This doesn't include your apps' internal data & settings, SMS, call logs, contacts, calendar, accounts,etc. The others I know less well, but I'd try
@ocnbrze's suggestion of the manufacturer's own transfer tool first, with (assuming you are a Mac user) Android File Transfer as a backup for any media or general data files you have in the internal storage. SD cards you can just swap (remember that apps moved to SD will not transfer to a new phone by your swapping SD cards: that's not how it works)..