What I'm saying is that I've had it done before,before I had my own phone. And I mean actually sitting there as the person waa doing this with his phone upon me asking him would he do it for me. When he asked me did I know how I replied that he could Google it and see what he finds. If my memory serves correctly, with EACH update what changed was WHERE the video/files were stored.for example I had to sync my tablet once I was prompted that my tablet would lock if I didn't forcing me to connect and erasing the files from my gallery. Days later it could be done again but the files had to be stored in my videograms instead of my picture gallery,so forth and so on. If you are saying that it's not possible (yet)since the LAST update for these specific tablets with just the phone then I can see your point. I'm not trying to UNLOCK the tablet in the literal sense just make it capable of receiving either Bluetooth files or files being sent through a connected wire from phone-to-tablet.When I first received my tablet I went STRAIGHT to the build number so I could open development options but it only takes you to a screen that shows all applications on the tablet.I would root my phone if it would help,and the funny thing is is that on the street ALL my phone's are rooted,but I haven't really seen a reason to in here because,well I'm locked up for one lol. Please don't misunderstand me,I'm not doubting anything of the people that replied because I'm essentially dumb when it comes to this but, I was just hoping that since it was done with ONLY a phone once then it could be done again. If there's a way with this last update I would greatly appreciate help to accomplish this,and I could maybe help out in some way if I can. BTW my tablet's build number is JP5JDQ47.worker.20170915.105521/Hardware v100C/Applications Version 19071GA.......