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how can I get a better gps reception / singal?


due to circumstances I cannot use internet connection ("mobile data" or "wi fi") when I'm on the road to get a GPS lock and can rely ONLY on my GPS sensor to get my position.

it sometimes take more than 20 minutes for it to get my location (without internet).

what can I do to improve that ? install a certain app ?
hold my phone in a certain way so I don't block reception ?
attach an antenna to it ?
any setting and configurations that can help ?

I searched and found this thread , but it's 2 years old so I'm sure it is relevant any more.

I have Android 4.1.2 on my samsung galaxy s2 i9100
^ what he said.

GPS Status also shows the satellites on screen as they are being locked. It at least lets you know if you are making any progress. If no satellites show up your screen after about 20 seconds, I switch the app off and on and it seems to get it going.

I find that if I run GPS Status first before my intended GPS app (eg Runkeeper), I get the GPS lock quicker.

The android OS version may have an impact on your gps performance depending on your phone. I have an old LG. the original OS was 2.1 and the GPS lock would take over 10 minutes. After it was upgraded to 2.3 the GPS lock only takes about a minute.
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not quite the same issue but also a gps issue. my wife and I have identical sg2 (tmobile) with exact same settings. we have a weather app and hers says that we are in auburn while mine says we are in pacific (we are actually in auburn). I can have the phones side by side or back to back and get same issue with being told that we are in different cities. any suggetions
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GPS Status can also ensure that you have the most up-to-date almanac installed, so that the device's receiver knows which satellites are where and at what times. This can make a big difference to the acquisition time.

can "gps test" do the same ?

it's what I have installed right now.

and which one of the "GPS status" are we talking about ? I see at least 3 of that title on google's store:


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