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How do cricket OTA updates work?


Well-Known Member
So i pulled the trigger on an ATT branded, unlocked LG G2 for 209 bucks. Im wondering tho, will i get OTA updates on crickets network? If not, is there a way to get the update from either LG's site or ATT's? I know kit kat works a lot better on the G2 than jelly bean (which it ships with).

Pretty excited to get off sprint network, ive had virgin for like 6 years and i have the spottiest LTE reception im hoping cricket alleviates that : )
Ok so im safe to install my cricket sim right when i get the phone instead of using the included ATT sim that comes with the phone to do the update? This is my first time ever owning a phone with a sim card lol.
Yep, you can put the Cricket SIM in before updating Android and you'll be able to install it when they push the update to your phone.
I am on Cricket, and I have an unlocked ATT branded SM-G900A Galaxy s5. It shipped with Android 4.4.2. When I check for OTA updates, it says I am current. Samsung KIES says my device "does not support initializing", but that the firmware is up to date (even though 4.4.2).

Samsung said I have to take it to best buy so their specialists can flash it using some Samsung Smart Tool. I hope to hell I won't have to go to Best Buy every time I need a flash upgrade.
So ATT released the update on the 14th, i still have got no notification for an update and it says my phone is up to date. I have the D800 unlocked G2 running on a cricket sim. Why have i not gotten the update? I was told when i first shopped for carriers that when ATT releases updates i should get them as well.
I just got done talking to a cricket agent and apparently NO OS upgrades ever get pushed out by them? That is what he said, that id have to do it "manually" whatever the hell that means. I even tried installing the LG PC suite software and the update isnt there either, which makes zero sense. WTF do i do, i want lollipop for various reasons and i dont know how to get it!
Kate i asked you this before i bought my phone with trust, ATT released lollipop 5 days ago (and all ATT customers can freely check for and download lollipop) but i still havent gotten it....why not! I even installed lg pc suite to check for the update and its not there either. I have an unlocked att lg g2 model D800 and im running on cricket network, why have i not gotten the lollipop upgrade yet when its clearly been released?
I doubt AT&T would push an update to a Cricket phone. Even though they use the same network you would end up with an AT&T boot screen, AT&T bloatware, etc. Updates are usually carrier dependent. Since the G2 was never a Cricket phone you'll probably have to go the custom ROM route or see if you can get it from LG directly if you really want lollipop that badly.
I doubt AT&T would push an update to a Cricket phone. Even though they use the same network you would end up with an AT&T boot screen, AT&T bloatware, etc. Updates are usually carrier dependent. Since the G2 was never a Cricket phone you'll probably have to go the custom ROM route or see if you can get it from LG directly if you really want lollipop that badly.

That is incorrect, I have an AT&T device, and I get all the AT&T updates and of course have the Bloatware as it is pre installed, and cannot be removed unless you root. I also got my Lollipop update, and it was received within weeks of when AT&T released it for the Moto X. I'm not sure why Araxxis is not receiving his LP update, but if it was released by AT&T, he will most likely receive it at sometime, assuming he is correct, then his phone is an AT&T device and when he boots up, he does have the AT&T boot splash screen, if he does not, then either it is not an AT&T phone
I just got done talking to a cricket agent and apparently NO OS upgrades ever get pushed out by them? That is what he said, that id have to do it "manually" whatever the hell that means. I even tried installing the LG PC suite software and the update isnt there either, which makes zero sense. WTF do i do, i want lollipop for various reasons and i dont know how to get it!

That is correct, I already posted in your other thread which I megred, no need to create multiple threads on this matter, but is a nutshell, the update is pushed by the carrier which in your case would be AT&T, that is of course if the guidelines I posted in the above are correct.
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Thanks for reply, yes it is a D800 ATT branded unlocked G2. And yes lollipop is out for the phone:


I just dont understand why i havent got the update yet, does it take cricket longer to get it? What if i never get the update OTA, when you said above "that is correct" were you referring to manually installing the operating system, i dont know how to do that.
I just dont understand why i havent got the update yet
Carriers release Android updates in stages to everyone, so for example if AT&T started sending out the update last week it could be several more weeks until you receive it. Or you could get it tomorrow, depending on when you're randomly selected.
For my OnePlus one they just come.. I hear with cricket branded phones its much slower getting updates.. If at all

If you have an ATT phone you should get them the same time ATT pushes their updates out.. At least from what I have heard.. Even while on cricket
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Guys it seems you are all wrong...

Quoted tweet "Sorry for the delay. You need to have an active AT&T SIM to pull the update. ^DT"

Sooo anyone got anything for me here? Do i seriously need to go buy an ATT sim card to get this update? Only reason i seem annoyed here is because i specifically asked this forum before i made this purchase because getting lollipop on the G2 was important to me, G2 is an awesome phone but the software is quite ugly on 4.4.2 and lollipop has extra features that i want and only bought the phone in anticipation of lollipop. I understand many of you say you got OTA OS upgrades with your phones, but this is apparently not the case in my situation.
For my OnePlus one they just come.. I hear with cricket branded phones its much slower getting updates.. If at all

If you have an ATT phone you should get them the same time ATT pushes their updates out.. At least from what I have heard.. Even while on cricket

That is correct, this is what has happened to me on both my AT&T devices, same goes for TMO devices I'm told.
Guys it seems you are all wrong...

Quoted tweet "Sorry for the delay. You need to have an active AT&T SIM to pull the update. ^DT"

Sooo anyone got anything for me here? Do i seriously need to go buy an ATT sim card to get this update? Only reason i seem annoyed here is because i specifically asked this forum before i made this purchase because getting lollipop on the G2 was important to me, G2 is an awesome phone but the software is quite ugly on 4.4.2 and lollipop has extra features that i want and only bought the phone in anticipation of lollipop. I understand many of you say you got OTA OS upgrades with your phones, but this is apparently not the case in my situation.

Well I can tell you for a fact that is incorrect, I have had 2 AT&T devices, and I have always received the updates when it was pushed by AT&T. So that is all I can say, I'm actually speaking from my experience. I'm on 5.0.2 and as soon as AT&T releases 5.1.0 I'll let you know here.
My experiences don are different. LG replied to my tweet here:

So i went up to the cities to an ATT store and purchased the cheapest pre paid sim i could get, low and behold it instantly found the update and my G2 is now running 5.0.2 lollipop. I dont know who is to blame here lg/att/cricket but something is amiss and even tho i now have lollipop on my phone it left a sour taste in my mouth.
that sucks. I've got my g3 sitting here awaiting a cricket sim, and it would be nice to update it when I get it up and running. I was probably going to root and run a custom rom eventually anyway but it would be nice to have the option to get OTA's.
It probably depends on the phone I do know, like Don said, most ATT branded phones should get the ota even on cricket
I have an unlocked AT&T note 4 Sm-910A. It's now the middle of May. Will I receive a Lollipop update from either Cricket or AT&T? If so, when can I expect it?
I have an unlocked AT&T note 4 Sm-910A. It's now the middle of May. Will I receive a Lollipop update from either Cricket or AT&T? If so, when can I expect it?

As araxxis mentioned, it will not work unless you have an ATT SIM. A Cricket SIM will not pull the update https://twitter.com/LGUSAMobile/status/591011149149298688

I have a cricket SIM in an ATT SM-G900A. The only way I can get updates is by going to Best Buy and havign thier onsite Samsung rep flash it with a special tool. They gave me 4.4.4 without issue, but said they would not upgrade to 5.x, basically because it sucked according to them. They could have upgraded me to 5, but didn't.

So, it's a real pain, but you will have to find a Best Buy.
Well I can tell you I have an AT&T Moto X and I only have a Cricket Sim, and I get the updates, maybe a little slower, but when LP was released I got it without having to do anything.

Can't speak for the LG phones, only for the Moto X
Well I can tell you I have an AT&T Moto X and I only have a Cricket Sim, and I get the updates, maybe a little slower, but when LP was released I got it without having to do anything.

Can't speak for the LG phones, only for the Moto X

This issue at hand is for Samsung phones, and looks like LG too. Maybe not for Motorola. It sounds like this may be a non issue for Motorola at phones at least.
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