My Samsung Galaxy Note 3 phone has about 5+ dulicates for every contact.
I am absolutely SICK of this. I just want to delete all the contacts on my phone in all my accounts. Linking doesnt work. I seem to have up to one entry for each of:
- Exchange
- gmail
- whatsapp
- viber
- DejaOffice
- Twitter
- Skype
- Meetup
- Nine
- Outlook
- Linked in
- Google
I tried various things to only display contacts from my master list (Outlook/Exchange) but that failed. It either hid all my contacts so that I could only find them if I searched, or showed all the duplicates.
Out of desperation I even tried downloading this app
"Delete All Contacts"
...which says be very careful as it will delete all contacts from your device. It ran for about 2 minutes. It seemed to find about 6000 contacts....
But the *$~*ing contacts are still there !!
How do I get rid of them ALL so that I can start again?
With thanks
P.S. I am on Android 5.0
My PC runs Outlook 2016 (on Win8.1) with hosted Exchange and has my master copy of all my contacts. I have exported them to a .PST file and can re-import as required.
My Samsung Galaxy Note 3 phone has about 5+ dulicates for every contact.
I am absolutely SICK of this. I just want to delete all the contacts on my phone in all my accounts. Linking doesnt work. I seem to have up to one entry for each of:
- Exchange
- gmail
- viber
- DejaOffice
- Skype
- Meetup
- Nine
- Outlook
- Linked in
I tried various things to only display contacts from my master list (Outlook/Exchange) but that failed. It either hid all my contacts so that I could only find them if I searched, or showed all the duplicates.
Out of desperation I even tried downloading this app
"Delete All Contacts"
...which says be very careful as it will delete all contacts from your device. It ran for about 2 minutes. It seemed to find about 6000 contacts....
But the *$~*ing contacts are still there !!
How do I get rid of them ALL so that I can start again?
With thanks
P.S. I am on Android 5.0
My PC runs Outlook 2016 (on Win8.1) with hosted Exchange and has my master copy of all my contacts. I have exported them to a .PST file and can re-import as required.