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Root How do I revert to stock android?


Nov 11, 2009
OG Moto Droid A855
Cyanogen 7.1

I would like to go back to the most current official rom for my droid. I've got tons of issues with my phone and I would like to compare to to see which, if any, are caused by cyanogen. I can't remember for the life of me how to do that though? Where do I download the official rom? I believe the droid is still on froyo, yes?
From the sticky at the top of the forum: http://androidforums.com/droid-all-things-root/163259-motorola-droid-all-things-root-guide.html

Go to this link: http://androidforums.com/droid-all-things-root/136508-guide-all-things-root-related.html

Go to the section titled How to revert back to Stock 2.0, 2.0.1, 2.1, or 2.2 and click he little show button.

  • For the file to download, download the last (5th) in the list. That's the most recent full FroYo for the DROID.
  • For the RSD file use the one in my signature instead (RSD 5.5).
  • For the Motorola Drivers, you can use the latest from Motorola (4.2.0) or the ones in ym signature (5.2.1 Beta). Don't let the beta tag worry you - they work perfectly fine with both my DROID and my BIONIC.

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Ok thank you for the link. Now just to be clear, are all those steps necessary if I just want to go back to vanilla android? I still want to keep root. Do these steps also remove root access? I was under the impression that all I would need to do was download a zip file for 2.2 and flash it like any other rom with ROM Manager.
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Using RSDLite you'll be back at pure stock, and you'll need to root again.

You could instead look at http://androidforums.com/droid-all-...oid-without-rsd-lite-up-including-frg83d.html to get root on the phone.

The RSDLite program is a back-end interface (for lack of a better description) for the phone, and it wipes everything and installs the image file you provide it - which, using that link is a pure vanilla OOB FroYo for the DROID. No root, not customizations, it's like you just bought the DROID with FroYo on it - needs to be activated and everything.

Another alternative would be to get a Pure vanilla stock Nandroid backup and restore that - my DROID's battery is dead but I could have one up for you in a day - it would be rooted as well, but you'd still need to activate the phone as if it is OOB.

In a nutshell, though, there are only 8 steps, and the first 2 are simply downloading and installing the drivers and RSDLite.

WARNING: if you plan on doing this, be absolutely sure your USB cable works great and that you can safely put the phone down and not accidentally disconnect it while the RSDLite process is working. Any interruption while that process is working could potentially brick your phone. Usually it will not, you'll just need to start the process again - but there is a critical time period, IIRC, where if the disconnect happens early on in the process it can be bricked.

That being said, I've used RSDLite on my phone several times and never bricked it. It's just a matter of being very very careful.
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Thanks for this thread OP and an even bigger thanks to johnlgalt. I was trying to unroot my unactive (but kids still using to play games and such) og droid, but something happened, either a bad download or my 4 yr old messing with usb cable as I was trying to unroot phone. It got stuck on the bootloader and was convinced I had just bricked my droid (which I still very much love). It said "corrupt code", "ok battery", "ok to program", and "connect usb. I tried for 4 days to find a solution, but nothing worked. I decided to try one more time and found this thread and downloaded everything johnlgalt said to in his post. I plugged in my phone and it worked! I've unrooted my phone (phone was super laggy with root) and re-downloaded my games and Netflix for my girls to play with. A big THANK YOU to you guys :)
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