I don't understand why people want to risk loosing their phone service to share their phone data to their laptops or tablets.
In my work, I need a hot spot to transfer files about once a day, in a single 15 minute session, using less bandwidth than a minute of YouTube music video.
There are 96 separate 15-minute segments in a day, and each 15 minutes is worth less than 2 cents of my prepaid buck, on average.
($45 X 12 months = $540,
divided 365 days = $1.47936 per day,
divided by 24 hours = 6.164 cents per hour,
divided by four 15-minute segments =
1.54 cents per day of my monthly $45 bill.)
So I'm supposed to pay for separate mifi at $30 a month, or hook up with yet another outfit offering a "free" something in exchange for another barrage of overt and covert personalized spamming efforts—
—because I'm not allowed to use one of my 96 day segments to tether my tablet. Those other 95 2-cent segments might get lonely if that one is allowed to tether.
How about some respect for the end user? Why not allow a limited amount of bandwidth to be used for the tethering needs of loyal customers who have legitimate, limited needs for a hot spot? Phones that provide hot spots already have on-off switches in the wifi section. What does it take to add a meter?