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Root How do you quickly switch ROMS?


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2009
Here's what I do... there has to be a better way:

  1. Titanium backup runs every night automatically
  2. I use SMS Backup+ to send all my texts to gmail automatically
  3. Flash new ROM (make backup and clear data and cache
  4. Reactivate phone
  5. Open Market, wait 30 mins to an hour for the apps to repopulate
  6. Use SMS Backup+ to restore my texts
  7. Use Titanium backup to restore all apps (Data Only)
  8. Restart phone
I know Titanium can restore apps, but I'm worried about compatibility issues between ROMS. Is there a better way to do this? Is there a way to make it restore only market apps, not system apps? Am I missing something?


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