As is there choiceand nobody seems to have an issue with it.

Unacceptable to you... not to them, as is there choice. Honestly some people live like SLOBS!! This is no where near that bad...Oh trust me I have, they seem to think there's nothing wrong with it and their excuse is "I've seen worse." So they acknowledge that it's bad but just because its not the worst they've seen it's justified. That's why I posted the poll so I can use it to show them that it is entirely unacceptable and that it is in fact not how people store their important things.
Honestly not sure what you hope to prove with this thread, it seems the only thing going on is you wanting to judge them, perhaps I'm mistaken, lord knows it happens often.
Still have to go back to their house, their mess. To be honest, if I did not have a maid to clean the apt, it would get unacceptably messy, very quickly.
I also work about 16 hours a days, 6/7 days a week. I have better things to do then clean my place, of course, I also realize this and have someone come in and clean for me.
Regardless, it is their life, their house. If you can not live with the fact they live like that you have three options.
1.) Offer time, money, and work hours to fix the problem.
2.) Just stop being their friend.
3.) Ignore it.
^This, 100%... Sums it up
On that note I think this topic has been beat to ground
(as always, if you disagree feel free to PM me)