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Help how long do I have to take back my vivd and get this one?

If you've been a customer a while and schmooze them right, they'll wave the restocking. You can also, usually get upgrade fees dropped. Used to be real easy, but they either opened a new call center, or hired a boatload of new service people.

I actually had a rep tell me the other day, they couldn't wave the $18 upgrade fee, because that was how they were able to offer the phone, for so cheap. I almost busted out laughing. No, *******... the 2 more years, you locked my family plan into at $200-300 PER MONTH, is what's getting me that phone, at that discount price.

EDIT: I should also add that, if you get in the habit of being empathic with the reps, they'll usually find ways to work your minutes/plan for whats best, for what type user you are. I had a rep actually talk me into going from a 2000 minute plan, to a 700 minute plan (because all our calls are mobile-to-mobile for the most part)... plus, she left me with half of the 8000 rollover minutes (which, they're not really supposed to do), we had accumulated. I've had them wipe literally $100 off my bill. They've comped me for features I might have activated, even used... but then had buyers remorse a month or so later. Its all how you talk to them. Trust me, even the front line reps, have a lot of leeway to work with you. Unlike some companies <cough>Verizon<cough>, that don't give a damn, if you leave. AT&T will typically bend over backwards (reasonably) to make you happy.
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