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How long will your order take?


Android Enthusiast
I just got mine yesterday and estimated ship date is between May17th-June9th... Anyone else waiting?
I believe im reading this incorrectly...are u saying you have it PHYSICALLY?
or you just 'got it' on the website but are still waiting for it to be delivered?
because i received an email stating the same time frame
I also ordered via Target direct on 4/30. Same 5/19 - 6/7 delivery window.

I'm thinking they'll start hitting Target warehouses around 5/16. Those 1st in line will start getting them 5/19.
What the F? I ordered from Target through Amazon on 4/28 then J&R Electronics 4/29 or 4/30 and haven't heard a date for either of them. Why do these companies never make any sense the way they prioritize orders? Shouldn't it be based on who ordered first?
I dont have mine in hand, I checked Best Buy, no store has it, I work for Best Buy and its not even in the tracking system yet, so I guess it didn't hit warehouses... oh well, at least I didn't order too late.
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