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How many apple/android devices are in your home?


Android Expert
in my house we have 5 apple devices (iMac iPad iPhone and Apple TV <-Dads broken iPod nano 4G<-mine

and 3 android devices: Nexus 7 Motorola Droid Optimus V <-Mine (the droid was my dads but ghe got an iphone)

what about you?
Me, my brother, and my dad each have an iPod.

Me, my brother, and my step brother have Android phones (while my dad uses black berry)

iOS = 3
Android =3
i bet Apple will win but im still curious abt what u guys have.

In my house
ios = 2
Android = 2
well. there are 2 blackberry...
Me (g2x), woman (sidekick 4g [she hates me for getting it]), sister (g2x), mom (optimus M), moms man guy (my old og droid), daughter-2 years old (acer iconia a100)


1 HTC One X (Android)
1 LG Thrill 4G (Android)
1 Samsung Captivate (Android)
1 at&t prepaid (Android)
1 Amazon Kindle Fire (Android)
1 iphony 4
Me s3, galaxy note, skyrocket, razr, og atrix. mom photon, bro photon, dad flip phone (doesn't like technology:p) sis LG thrive
If we count laptops though I got 2 mac book pro and 1 acer laptop
2 kindle fires

3 Samsung Transform Ultras. We love em.

3 Ipods. One old old school my son found and 2 nanos that were xmas presents from Grandma. Shes old and doesnt no any better.
in use? 2 Android devices. My SGS3 and my fiancee's HTC Hero. She won't switch to my HTC Desire sat in a drawer, even though its twice as powerful.

Computers - desktop windows xp & linux pc; macbook pro

Music player with whole library - ipod classic

Music player also for browsing wifi - ipod touch

Other music player - zen stone

Smartphone - moto defy

(Bold items are mine. For the weekdays, it's the android, mbp at home, days out I like to take an ipod with me because I always listen to music & I don't wanna waste all my phones battery.)

*iPod Nano 2G
iPod Nano 3G
*2 iPod Nano 4G's
iPod Touch 2G 32 GB
*iPod Touch 2G 8 GB
*iPod Classic 6G 120 GB (Mine for the car)
*2 iPhone 4S (VZW)

4 HTC Droid Eris
*Samsung Galaxy Nexus (mine)
*HTC Rezound

* means regularly used
3 Android (2 phones, 1 tablet)
2 ios (2 ipod touch for the kids)

The ios devices are seldom used and because of my objection to Apples litigious campaign of ip terror, will never be replaced with another Apple product . I came so close to buying a mac book pro and air too. Now? No new Apple will be purchased by this family... Period!
No Apple (or wife had an old iPod but I think it was stolen):
2 OG Droids (retired)
Nook Color
TF Prime
Nexus 7
Galaxy Nexus
Droid Bionic
0 apple
9 andriods....
3 esteems.. my esteem rooted on #2. Thnx ldrifta
4 admires
1 HTC wildfire...
1acsend. Rooted.. collecting dust
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