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Help How noisy is normal?


Well-Known Member
Hi folks,

Just got a used S4 I337, via Swappa, for use on ATT. I'm on 4.4.2 NC1. Not rooted. Yet.

I've noticed that when using it in a very quiet room, I can hear what sounds like static coming from the speaker. I don't hear it all the time, but it seems to make the noise at times of transition like changing screens. It's not clear whether it is specifically from screen activity or processing activity or data activity, though I can say I've heard it while on wifi and while on 4GLTE.

Just wondering if this is "normal" or somewhere on the normal spectrum, or a sign of impending doom. Having bought the thing used and having completed the sale, I'm probably out of recourse actions... and it's not really that loud, and doesn't interfere with calls or anything.

Am I the only one with a phone like this? To me it's odd for the phone to make such noises. Again, it's only audible in quiet environments.

Thanks in advance!

try plugging in the headphones and stuff them away so you are not able to hear the sound from them and see if you still hear those noises..... if you do, the "noise" is not from the speaker. That'd eliminate half of whatever you need to trouble shoot. (video side or audio)

This was a very useful suggestion. Thanks! Indeed, with a headset plugged in, the static sounds were silenced.

So... any suggestions about how to prevent the interference, or is this just routine for the S4?
No it isn't. Mine doesn't make any noticeable sounds that it shouldn't. This is my second post in a minute saying the same thing, but that sounds like a hardware problem to me. It definitely shouldn't happen.
It's definitely not normal, I agree, must be a HW fault. There shouldn't be any sort sound.

Did the seller give you the original receipt? As in that case you should still be covered.
Unfortunately I don't have a receipt from the seller. I got it via Swappa, and there were some oddities about the transaction, but in the end I completed the sale and don't have much recourse. It's not worth the anxiety to go back and try a claim against it... I would just pay for a repair if it bugs me enough, or sell off the phone (with full disclosure of course) and get a new one.

It's interesting that the sound only happens in specific circumstances. It's not data or screen activity dependent. It comes in little bursts a few seconds long for example when switching screens between apps / starting an app. When texting it makes the sound pretty continuously. When playing angry birds games, you hear it just as the app starts to open then never again until you switch to a different app.

The fact that it comes in bursts at specific times makes me very curious as to what is actually happening to cause it.

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