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Help How stop contacts fromappearing multiple times for new recipient?


Does anyone know how to make it so when sending a text to someone, to make that part of the contact list not show the same people like 3 times? My phone book is fine with no multiples but once I need to send a text to someone new it shows mobile twice, and email and all that jazz.
Go into your phonebook, and open each contact that it does this for. If you notice multiple entries, delete them
its not that cubz. i have had this problem aswell. the problem is it picks up all your facebook phonebook aswell even with the settings turned off in the normal phonebook. It will show everything for that person phone (if they have one), email etc. I have tried and tried but to no avail. Ne ideas???
I use Handcent and within the settings there is Send Message Settings and Show Mobile Number only, this does cut down on the quantity of numbers shown but I still get landline numbers if I haven't changed the drop down attached to the number in Phonebook to home or work etc.

Not exactly an answer but as normal with android (especially SE) its a matter of finding the best work around.

Other than that I would guess its something to do with that three headed icon in the phone book and what accounts you are using. I now only use Google for my numbers and just keep a copy on my sd card once a month just in case because I ended up with duplications after the upgrade.
Does the Sony contact manager support the standard 'Join' option? Try editing the contact and pressing menu, the join option might be there.

Join marks the two contacts as being the same person, and so shows all the details together. Note that it's not a merge function, as underneath the covers the two records still exist separately. You can 'un-join' them later if needed.
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