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Root [How-To] Changing the Boot animation

Spike G

Android Enthusiast
Oct 5, 2011
*I am not responsible for any damage to your phone*

So after a lot of fooling around I've successfully changed the Commando's boot animation. Here is what i did...

First off, I made a custom theme with the UOT Kitchen, this provides you with a flashable theme zip file that we can now modify even further.

I downloaded my favorite boot animation from xda and made sure the images in it were .png (keep in mind, the stock G'z one animation is not a full screen image it is 480x512 for images 00-27 and 480x256 for 28-60 so if you use a full sized image it will look squished so use this tool [Fast Image Resizer] but be sure to go to settings and click save as .png and enable cropping) however the verizon ones (which i just continued my custom animation over into) are 480x800 so you wont need to resize those

I unzipped the boot animation off xda and saved the folder to my desktop for easy access.

I downloaded the Bulk Rename Utility so i could batch rename all my files to match those of the stock animation. (optional, but saves about an hour of work.)

Using winrar to navigate to your framework-res.apk in your theme from UOT you'll see the assets folder, and inside that is the images folder, these are your boot animations.

Now i used the Bulk Rename Utility to rename my new boot animation files to match those of the stock ones (nec_gz_animation_00.png and VZW_open_480x800_00000.png) in the same order they are in the file. please note to also change VZW_480x800_00000.png or you will have a random flash of verizon in the middle of your new show.

once all your images are renamed and in the correct order to match the stock ones, navigate back over to your framework-res.apk\assets\images in winrar. right click and choose "add files to the archive" and select the new images. These should replace your old ones.

once done, exit winrar, it will prompt you to update the archive, do so.

Place your newly modified theme file back on your sd card (i renamed mine to boot change so it was easier to tell apart from the other themes i have on there) and flash it through recovery as you would a theme.

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I just googled it. and the majority of them are on xda. i used this one...

Apple Smash Android Boot Animation by WJD Designs - YouTube!

(Boot Animations WJD Designs)

it is squished but whatever, i rarely see it and the bootanimation wasnt too much of a priority for me but i like a challenge and you gave me a little push.

I'm sure if you're dedicated to making it look good you could always crop the images so they match the size of the stock ones so it doesn't distort, but with 82 images... i didnt feel like doing it haha.

Side note, first install played the whole animation (took longer than usual to boot because i wiped cache and dalvic-cache) after the second boot, it was a lot quicker and cut off half the animation. Then again, it never made it to the verizon screen, after i debloated and used autostarts to block some apps from starting at boot, unless it was being unusually slow.
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@jova33 i found a new tool .... adionSoft Fast Image Resizer - Freeware it auto resizes/crops images. if you use it, be sure to go into settings, make sure its saving as a .png and you enable cropping. it wasnt perfect after, but it was a lot better. Use this tool before the renaming utility as this one adds the resolution at the end of the file name. set a new resolution to 400x512
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Just looked at it a little closer, there are 60 files to the G'z one portion of the boot animation, up untill file 28 they are 480x512 from 28-60 they are 480x256 this is why it appeared to deform, i've trimmed my 28-60 files and it looks much better, although i just trimmed them with the batch resizer so they arent perfect, but i'm happy, video will be up in a few in the original post
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So I've got my cooked ZIP file and I think I'm a bit lost with this whole process. First, the zip file with the new boot animation I chose (Android Particles) is in the system\media folder. Inside the bootanimation.zip file are two folders (part0 and part1), along with a text that specifies the resolution that it is supposed to be in (i.e. 480x800). The first folder has 10 JPG files (0000 thru 0009), and the second has 74 JPG files (0010 thru 0083), for a grand total of 84 JPG files.

Now in the framework-res.apk\assests\images folder there are 95 total PNG files that make up the stock boot animation but nothing there to indicate the resolution of the images. After viewing the bootanimation file in notepad, I can tell what order the images have to be named as, but I'm concerned with there being 11 less files to work with. Can I simply delete the file entries and the associated garbled text from the bootanimation file, or do I need to copy a few files and fill them in to make the new boot 95 files?
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1) the images are different sizes. the first 27 are 480x512. the rest of the gzone is 480x256
2) you can not modify the bootanimation binary file. It is a compiled file that can not be tempered with. You must change the names of the files you want to put in to match it.

I will soon be releasing an update that makes the phone bootanimation.zip-friendly.
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