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How to convince my parents to let me swap from iOs to Android


Hi, right now I'm on an iPhone 4. I've had it since January, when AT&T really didn't have any legit android phones. The iPhone, to me, is painfully simplistic, my phone's been jailbroken over and over. I've always wanted more customization, and so, to sum it up, I'm pretty much an android guy. My upgrade's this September. I'll be paying for me new phone, which I hope to be a One X, but my mom is forcing me to stay on iOs. She's a huge apple fangirl, and told me android is "a toy", and facetime and findmyfriends won't work, so it would make it harder on her and my dad. I'm buying my phone, and my dad, who is paying the monthly bills, is pretty much ok with me switching, so I just need to convince my mom. I really do like my iPhone, and I'm very grateful to own one, but I'm sure I would be far happier on android. Any ideas? Thanks!
I dunno, that's a tough one. Being a parent (and a mom) myself I can say that's an tricky situation because you don't want to pit both parents against the other. And you know what they say... if momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!

All joking aside, I'm sure you've already shown her the differences between the two phones so she's probably tired of hearing about that part. I think the only thing you can do at this point is try to explain how unhappy you are with your current phone. If it where me, the fact that you're paying for a new phone out of your own pocket would be good enough for me (Id be too impressed to feel otherwise!).

I wish you luck in trying to convince her to let you switch.
I convinced my daughter she didn't want iPhone by showing her the numerous mp3 music sites available on Android. She realized she wouldn't need to ask for iTunes gift cards for every gift, nor spend her babysitting money on buying songs.

Made her friends jealous when they saw how easy it was!

And, she is not "techy", so no rooting or anything fancy. There are plenty of apps to locate her phone (I use app to find my other daughter when she is away at school .... not to "track" her, but to wake her! Sends out a mean alarm!)

I am probably one of the biggest anti-apple fans there is (I hate iTunes...)

Anything you need the phone for, "Droid Does".....
I dunno, that's a tough one. Being a parent (and a mom) myself I can say that's an tricky situation because you don't want to pit both parents against the other. And you know what they say... if momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!

All joking aside, I'm sure you've already shown her the differences between the two phones so she's probably tired of hearing about that part. I think the only thing you can do at this point is try to explain how unhappy you are with your current phone. If it where me, the fact that you're paying for a new phone out of your own pocket would be good enough for me (Id be too impressed to feel otherwise!).

I wish you luck in trying to convince her to let you switch.

Thanks a lot for the help! My mom is not that great with computers and doesn't really understand the differences between the phones. She just thinks that apple is better, and she thinks that android is like windows when it comes to viruses. I can't talk about being unhappy with my phone, since my parents will take that as being ungrateful, which I'm not.
Is the monthly cost lower on the one x?

FaceTime over 3G between an iPhone and Android? Let’s Tango. - The Next Web

As you said she wanted to use face time..... Skype is always another option!

And I'd even consider pointing out how easy it is too work an Android and how good am online community out is here! There is lots of help available and all for free!

There are also loads of apps available to integrate between ios and Android (never used any ios products for longer than 5 mins so can't name any!)

Lookout Mobile Security scans for viruses. I have been on Android for awhile, and like Windows, if you know where you are downloading from, viruses will be kept at bay. Thank God I haven't had issues with that....

Another benefit of Android is that (at least on Verizon), you can get insure it for loss/theft/breakage including screen/and water damage for a lower deductible than the iPhone. Definitely a plus, as my daughter is in high school and chances of this happening is probably much more likely than her getting a virus!

Oh, and I threatened to disown my sister if she gets an iPhone (yes, we are both adults!) ;)
Thanks again for the help guys. I tried to bring up the points with my mom, and she told me that there was no discussion to have, I can't change her mind. She also told me that I should be glad that I don't have to worry about making choices like these.
Outta curiosity, what age are you?

Its less likely you'll be mugged for having an Android(maybe!)
ask what her reasons for not wanting you to have an Android are?

Sit down and try to reassure her these......

Make sure you do full research on each of her reasons, and ask if she would go down the shop with you for herto maybe even try it!
Sounds like your mom is mis-informed about Android if she thinks it is a toy and have viruses. Iphone to me is one of the most toy-ish phone.(imo). I find it kind of extreme a parent forcing a particular phone on their child. Many of times parents get the phone his or her child likes. Sometimes seeing is believing. Take your mom to the store and show her the functions of the phone you like and how it fits your wants and needs. Explain to her she is a victim of branding and not everyone is a follower. Let her know we are all different individuals and thats what make us unique. Ask her, how can I express myself individually if you are forcing me to like something that is not to my creative needs.
I told my daughter I would pay for data plan. She was coming from a "dumb" phone. She had to buy phone. She really wanted the iPhone. Saved $100, grandma gave her $100 ( for Chanukah
...) Took her to VZW corporate store where they had all working models. Most were around same price. Best Buy & Radio Shack had Stratosphere for free.
She realized quickly that by getting a Stratosphere, she would save on music, get a free phone, and still have $200 in her pocket....guess what she did? Loves the Stratosphere.

I don't understand the difference, as you are paying for phone yourself. Plan is the same.....Also, isn't the iPhone 3g only? VZW near me hides it at the back of the store, as they are pushing their 4g network...
So Apple's walled-garden approach to the iphone has breached the boundaries of itunes and has expanded to encompass your home... :( I'm sorry to hear that.

It sounds like your Mom is not tech savvy, so any up-front touting of Android's superiorities is going to be lost on her. Particularly because you just can't get passed the wall she has built about Android's shortcomings. So IMO, you best arguments are to simply have points that nullify her arguments. It's not her fault that she is misinformed, but you need to make it clear that she is misinformed if you want to stand a chance of convincing her. The objective is to get her to see Android and iPhone as being on an even field, by eliminating the negatives that she sees in Android.

No Facetime?
- Tango or Skype is compatible across both devices.
- iPhones are only safe while they are confined to itunes. If the device is jailbroken then all bets are off. So you're going to be at risk either way.
- Alternately, there are antiviruses for Android.
- Alternately, I believe Android viruses are normally distributed through questionable apps. Avoid the fart apps, pron apps, and the like, and you'll avoid the viruses.
Lack of Uniformity?
- That's true. If having a larger selection is a bad thing, then I guess the larger selection of Android hardware is second to iPhone in this area. However, that also means that the size of the itunes appstore makes it second to the Android appmarket.

Once you can get it through to her that her own assumptions about Android are false, and that the two devices sit evenly (as far as she will be concerned), then she will come around and ask you why you want to bother with Android if they generally the same thing (remember, the point is not to show her how much better Android is than iPhone, it is to show her that her concerns about Android are misplaced and that Android and iPhone are largely compatible for everything that concerns her).

When she asks why you would want to change if they are basically the same thing (remember, she's not tech savvy so basically the "same thing" is going to mean smart phones that are compatible with each other), reiterate that they are the same thing as far as general app compatibility is concerned. BUT... now insert your reasoning here.

At this point she will probably either accept that she was misinformed and that you have done your homework, or she will retreat back to the previous misinformation that was already corrected. Good luck!
Outta curiosity, what age are you?

Its less likely you'll be mugged for having an Android(maybe!)
ask what her reasons for not wanting you to have an Android are?

Sit down and try to reassure her these......

Make sure you do full research on each of her reasons, and ask if she would go down the shop with you for herto maybe even try it!

I'm a High School Freshman. My mom wants me to have a reliable phone, she thinks an android will break quickly (and she carries around an iphone entirely made of glass). Anyways, she told me even if android is better, she wants the entire family to have the same phone, and that its not safe to experiment with phone os's. Oh, and I have AT&T LTE coverage in my city, but I'm stuck on 3g. I had a budget level Asus Laptop for school recently which broke within 5 months for no apparent reason, which makes my mom even more wary about non-apple stuff (as a result I'm saving for a mac now, I am a fan of apple computers, OSX is nothing like iOs to me). Thanks again for the help everyone!
She's a huge apple fangirl, and told me android is "a toy", and facetime and findmyfriends won't work, so it would make it harder on her and my dad.

Facetime is not the only way to video conference. Tell her that you can't Facetime with people who do not own iPhones anyway. There are alternatives that allow you to videoconference with people who use Apple and non-Apple devices and the iPhone's Facetime really limits you in that way. Other members already gave you some good alternatives that also work on iPhones. You can try to let her know about these alternatives that allow her to videoconference with people who own non-iPhones.

Not sure how well you can convince her. If she is calling Android "a toy", she may have already made up her mind about what an Android phone is.
Well you can look into getting a part time job and pay for your own phone and data plan.
First of all how are you? If your old enough to meet strangers there are numerous people on Craigslist that are willing to trade android devices (newer ones like Skyrocket, Bionics, RAZR's, etc) for iphonys.
As much as I sympathize with the OP, I think it's best to just let Mom have her way for now. Her roof, her rules. Some day, you will make the rules, and you will be the ruler for a really, really long time.
Sadly I may have to agree with novox, however.....

My experience with both an iPhone and my gs2....

I was asked to take a picture of a group of people with one of the fields iPhones, I agreed...took it and went to hand the phone back (it was inside a sports cage) someone outside the cage threw a football (soccer) into the cage and it hit the back of my hand as I was walking with it outreached to hand it back....the phone fell from my hand with no more force than just being let go of, falling from waist height (I'm only 5ft7) and landed on the tarmac....screen and back smashed instantly

Gs2..... I was getting out of my car coming home from work with bags and stuff to take on, as well as my phone, as I was fumbling for the keys, my phone fell from my grasp (mid drift height) and landed straight into our pointy stoned drive, screen down, with no screen protector. Damage.... Nil!

I had a few minor issues with my phone at first, but they tend to sort themselves out over time ABMs this place has been a great help! I constantly hear on my Facebook of people having trouble with iPhones, but never Android devices, and I've recently noticed loads of people on my Facebook who have Android phones (only realise when I see them in person!)

Anyway, novox may be right.lol
My wife uses a Google talk app, vtok, to face time me. Wheresmydroid to stalk me lol.

She's an iPhone fangirl too. Paid $700 bucks for the 4s!!!! Wow... it's not that important lol
all i can think of is...

to ask nicely and with flowers...

she is the parent and they pay the bills... sorry
First of all how are you? If your old enough to meet strangers there are numerous people on Craigslist that are willing to trade android devices (newer ones like Skyrocket, Bionics, RAZR's, etc) for iphonys.

I'm a parent and reading the above disturbs me. :( Not really a cool thing to suggest the OP go behind his mom's back like that. :eviltongue: Trust is an important factor in successful relationships between children and their parents. At least I think so. ;)

As much as I sympathize with the OP, I think it's best to just let Mom have her way for now. Her roof, her rules. Some day, you will make the rules, and you will be the ruler for a really, really long time.

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