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Root How to get 2000+ Quadrent Benchmarks w/ Froyo


Android Enthusiast
Birdman mentioned something about this a while ago but didn't really explain it, so I'll give some quick instructions using root explorer, maybe I'll ass adb/terminal instructions later.


1.) open up Root Explorer
2.) Mount system as r/w
3.) navigate in the system folder to a file named build.prop
4.) long press until edit comes up, and press it
5.) scroll down to almost the bottom until you see a few lines with "stagefright" in the name.
6.) change the word "false" in each of these line to "true"
7.) press the menu button and hit save and exit
8.) reboot and run quadrant!

Not exactly sure if this gives any performance boost though :confused: anyone know? Good for showing off though :D

edit: also does anyone know why it stalls at I/O write for a while seems like it stalls even longer with froyo then eclair?
problem is, it wont play newly recorded videos from the gallery. other videos seem to play smoother though. stagefright wont play .3gp (as i understand it) and that is the format the x records in.

but, i did get consistent 2200s, and even a 2400 or 2.
Yeah just changed back after I noticed that, fun jsut to get some high scores though.

yup. i'm keeping that little secret here in the x forum. i cant wait to make my friends sad about their crappy benchmark scores. :P

interesting thing is, my phone will play vids i recorded before the edit. they just look crappy.
You might notice poor performance from your streaming apps as well. I did the hack and got a 2185 Quadrant score, but then I tried streaming Sirius & Pandora and noticed an immediate decrease in sound quality and a few other issues so I switched it back. It does go to show what the X is capable of once google gets off its ass and fixes the stagefright decoder, which seems to be far more efficient than opencore which is what we use by default. The massive increase in quadrant scores is probably all due to increased performance in the audio/video decoding parts of the benchmark when stagefright is enabled.
Can anyone tell me what the stock settings are in build.prop for the "stagefright" settings, which ones are supposed to be set to false? The "Froyo'd deodexed build that's floating around here changed those settings all to true and it's messing with my ability to play any kind of video.
There are 4 stagefright settings that all need to be false for video to work. They are all in one section listed one after the other.
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