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Help how to get PC to see more than "boot" - NookieFroyo


Android Enthusiast
Feb 15, 2010
Howdy Gang-

I want to move some files to my NC. I am running Custom Nookie Froyo off the uSD card. When I connect the NC via USB to my PC (XP), the PC only sees the "boot" partition of the uSD. Using an external reader, I only see one partition, "boot". This partition is very small (200mb of a 16gb card).

How can I get my PC to access the other partitions, so I can move music, pics, movies to my NC?

I have read a bit on dropbox, but using wifi to transfer +10gb of music & movies across my slow wifi does not sound like fun...

You can't; this is one reason I don't run off of the SD card.

First, most of the partitions on the bootable card are Linux partitions. Windows can't read them.

Next, Windows apparently will only show the first partition marked as Active. Well, all partitions on the SD are Active, so Windows will only show the first readable partition, which is boot.

quick edit: If I recall, SD card mounting might have worked using CM7 on the SD. I don't remember, though. I set the card up for a friend and didn't use it very long.
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