Ok, I actually had that one downloaded already...
subnet is, correct? I have all the other information, just need to forward my router to port 9 and enable magic packet/WoL in the BIOS.
Yes you use subnet mask when using wol outside of your network. When using wol internally, you use
well it's not really that straight forward....but it might work.
The tricky part about setting up a wan WOL is getting your router to forward the magic packet. Since your comp won't have a local ip address when it is off, your router will have to broadcast the packet across your network. However, for security reason most routers will not let you port forward to a broadcast address (such as, so you'll have to find other means. One way around it is to setup a reserve static ip address for your computer on your router with a matching MAC address - Although I can't say if this will work 100% of the time. Another way to get it working is to use a 3rd firmware on your router (like DDR-WRT), where you can manually enter in a static ARP to match up your MAC with an ip.
oh another thing is some WOL use port 7 instead of 9.