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Help How to set one time alarm


Android Enthusiast
Example: Time now is 3pm Monday. I go to default [Clock] App in S4, press [alarm], [create alarm] and set [3.05pm] and click [save]. When the alarm rings at 3.05pm, I press the red X on screen and slide it away to stop the alarm sound. I went the clock app again and saw the alarm set for the next Monday 3.05pm automatically.

After the alarm ring and i pressed the red X to slide it to stop the alarm, i went to the clock app and I see this http://i.imgur.com/67jQGLR.png
I press the time (6:18pm as seen in the first screenshot) and I see this http://i.imgur.com/wHXFqgf.png , it says "alarm set for 7 days from now".

How do I set a one time alarm?

(Please note I did not tick Repeat weekly. the text between the [ ] in the above sentences are the buttons that I pressed only)

When I set an alarm as you have done, it goes of and I swipe the X to stop it. The alarm is then unset UNLESS I select it (**press the little alarm clock at the right so it brightens in the screen that lists the alarms) again in which case it is set for the same time next week. Even when unset it will tell you when it would go off if set. The alarm entry stays and is able to be reselected (but is not active) until you delete it.

In your first screen shot, that alarm will not go off unless you do this **

Long press the selected alarm entry, then press "delete."

Yeah, that's a given. :)

I think the OP and myself want to set a one time alarm, it go off we shut it down and it automatically disappears from the clock app as well. I end up clearing literally tens of alarms in one go doing just as you suggest. There should be (but isn't) an option when you set it for it to auto delete or be saved to use again.
Are you for real?? It's too simple to say here but here goes.

Set time and day of week when you want the alarm. And DO NOT check "Repeat weekly". Alarm set. uploadfromtaptalk1416241341932.jpg

Notice deactivated (Grey icon) at the right of the words "Disco Batt" in the image below- implies it's not activated
Are you for real?? It's too simple to say here but here goes.

Nothing, my friend is too simple to say, only too simple to hear or read, apparently.

Yes of course spman (the opening poster) and I know that, we are not trying to deactivate an alarm, we are looking for a setting that actually deletes it, as in makes it disappear from the clock app.

For instance I set quite a few one time alarms. They go off at the time I want them to, never to be heard or used again. They sit there in clock inactive, useless and pointless. We need a setting to set a one time alarm then for it to go never to be seen again or to stay to be reused at some point.
Lol, Hawker. I admit I was royally pissed off with something totally unconnected when I replied. I have a long fuse, but the fall out when I do lose my temper is wide reaching. I wouldn't have been half as polite in face to face conversation.
I do believe the OP's question is different. He was setting the "weekly" option. Otherwise, you wouldn't get the "it says "alarm set for 7 days from now"

As for the use once alarm, why not just change the alarm's time? So you can have just one alarm, but you'd have to change the time. It's no more or no less work than creating a new alarm each time, no?

But I do hate how S4's alarm sets the S, M ...F, S option. Very easy to pick the wrong day by mistake.
I do believe the OP's question is different. He was setting the "weekly" option. Otherwise, you wouldn't get the "it says "alarm set for 7 days from now"

As for the use once alarm, why not just change the alarm's time? So you can have just one alarm, but you'd have to change the time. It's no more or no less work than creating a new alarm each time, no?

But I do hate how S4's alarm sets the S, M ...F, S option. Very easy to pick the wrong day by mistake.

I did not set weekly option. If you read my first post you would understand.

You can try setting an alarm that rings in 1 minute from your time now. After the alarm rings, follow my exact steps I wrote under "Screenshot" and you will get the same screenshot I posted.

As for the use once alarm, why not just change the alarm's time? So you can have just one alarm, but you'd have to change the time. It's no more or no less work than creating a new alarm each time, no?

It is clearer and easier to create a new alarm each time instead of editing a past alarm history. If I have many alarms, might accidentally edit an alarm that I do not want to touch it.

But I do hate how S4's alarm sets the S, M ...F, S option. Very easy to pick the wrong day by mistake.

I agreee.
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