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Root How to Speed up Elite?


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2014
In my house
Hey guys new to this forum :D
I have tried so many ROMs they are all awesome. I love the gingerbread ROMs because of there speed but the 4.0+ are cool too but always get reboots(3-7 a day) and tons of lock ups. Well I want to keep a 4.0+ ROM but Don't know how you guys live with this? Or do you tweak this some how? I just use no-frills but still have random reboots and lock-ups. Any tips for me would be nice thanks guys
I'm on AOKP 4.2.2 I think it's because I don't know how to do a full wipe( saw instructions still don't get how to wipe data? does this mean format data?) Anyways I'm heading back to Sleipnir because I need to be able to multitask (even with 4.2.2 I believe I would need to keep a low amount of apps not running in the background) Going to try full wipe(formating data? help :thinking:)
PS: I wanted to try cm11 but I bricked it lol easy fix tho
PSS: I remember I got cm11 a while back wifi didn't work sticking to sleipnir I just loved the battery life and speed :~D
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